Dr. Md Abdul Malek
Principal Scientific Officer
Plant Breeding Division BINA BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202.Bangladesh
Mohammad Ali
Scientific Officer
Plant Breeding Division BINA BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202.Bangladesh
AVRDC, Tomato, Preliminary trial.
Experimental farms at BINA headquarter and
Sub-station at Rangpur
Variety and Species
Some lines of AVRDC and Taiwan has been grown at BINA HQ. farm and Rangpur substation following plant progeny rows during summer and winter growing season of 2011-12. A details of morphological study was performed to collect desirable genotypes from all the introduced lines. Their detailed study summarized hereafter in a tabular form. Table. A detailed study of AVRDC tomato lines Sl.No Full Accession Name BINA Code General description 1. CL5915-93D4-1-0-3 TM-1 Dwarf plant, broader leaf with deep green color, fruit shape-round, less infected in Tomato mosaic virus (TMV), globe fruit shape 2. CLN2413R TM-2 Long plant height with broader leaf, fruit surface ridged 3. CLN2418A TM-3 Dwarf plant, green leaf, smaller fruit with round shaped, light insect infestation was found. 4. CLN2001A TM-4 Deep green leaf with round shape, fruit size also round, medium plant height 5. CLN1621L TM-5 Light green leaf, elongated fruit, huge no.s and cluster flowering 6. CLN3125O (AVTOV 1004) TM-6 Completely round fruit shape, comparatively less no. of fruit in each plant, infected in Tomato mosaic virus (TMV) 7. CLN3125P (AVTOV 1005) TM-7 Long plant and elongated fruit shape 8. CLN3078A (AVTOV 1007) TM-8 Dwarf plant, pale green leaf color, round and smaller fruit size 9. CLN3078C (AVTOV 1008) TM-9 Dwarf plant, pale green leaf color, round and smaller fruit size 10. CLN3078G (AVTOV 1009) TM-10 Long plant height with deep green color of leaf, Larger fruit size with round shaped 11. CLN3070J (AVTOV 1010) TM-11 Dwarf plant, elongated fruit shape 12. CLN3125A (AVTOV 1001) TM-12 Dwarf plant, Leaf infected and curled, wavy fruit shape 13. CLN3125L (AVTOV 1003) TM-13 Dwarf plant, light green leaf, heavy branching elongated fruit, huge no.s and cluster bearing habit 14. CLN3024A TM-14 Dwarf plant, light green leaf, elongated smaller fruit, huge no.s and cluster bearing habit, Less infected up to harvest 15. CLN3070A TM-15 Comparatively more dwarf plant, Round fruit shape, comparatively less no. of fruit in each plant 16. 4 TOM 031 TM-17 Long plant height with deep green color of leaf, Larger fruit size with round shaped 17. 4 TOM 021 (Cherry) TM-19 Cherry type tomato, long plant, huge flowering with alternate bearing habit, deep green leaves, consecutive fruit setting 18. Juliet 1437 (Cherry) TM-20 Cherry type tomato, long plant, huge flowering with alternate bearing habit, deep green leaves, consecutive fruit setting Note: Within bracket i.e. AVTOV. from Sl.No. 6-13 indicates new code by AVRDC
BINA Annual Report, 2011-12. p 58.