The study was undertaken to find out the optimum nutrient management practice of potato-mungbean-T. Aman rice cropping pattern to maximize yield realization and economic return by maintaining soil fertility and productivity. The experiment was conducted at Regional Wheat Research Center of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh for two consecutive years during 2006-07 and 2007-08. Twelve nutrient management treatments were tested in randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments were T1=HYG (0-198-44-194-24-6-1.2), T2=MYG (0-140-34-138-18-4.5-0.9), T3=IPNS (10000-168-38-170-18-6-1.2), T4=STB (0-171-40-164-22-5-1), T5=FP (0-97-16-91-0-0-0), T6=CON (0-0-0-0-0-0-0), T7=HYG+CRI, T8=MYG+CRI, T9=IPNS+CRI, T10=STB+CRI, T11=FP+CRI, T12=CON+CRI kg ha-1 CDNPKSZnB, for potato; T1=HYG (0-24-40-48-24-3-1.2), T2=MYG (0-20-36-40-20-2-1), T3=IPNS (5000-9-37-36-21-3-1.2), T4=STB (0-20-36-40-22-2-1), T5=FP (0-6-5-4-0-0-0), T6=CON (0-0-0-0-0-0-0), T7=HYG+CRI , T8=MYG+CRI, T9=IPNS+CRI, T10=STB+CRI, T11=FP+CRI, T12=CON+CRI kg ha-1 CDNPKSZnB for mungbean and T1=HYG (0-80-16-44-12-2-0), T2=MYG (0-56-12-32-8-1.5-0), T3=IPNS (5000-65-13-32-9-2-0), T4=STB (0-68-15-37-11-2-0), T5=FP (0-39-37-12-0-0-0), T6=CON (0-0-0-0-0-0-0), T7=HYG+CRI, T8=MYG+CRI, T9=IPNS+CRI, T10=STB+CRI,T11=FP+CRI, T12=CON+CRI kg ha-1 CDNPKSZnB for T. Aman rice. Plant height, TDM production, LAI, yield contributing characters and yield, grading of potato tuber, protein content of potato tuber, mungbean seed and rice grain and nutrient uptake were significantly influenced by different nutrient management practices in both the years. The highest plant height and TDM production were recorded for potato, mungbean and T. Aman rice in HYG treatment without or with CRI followed by IPNS and STB treatments. While, minimum plant height and TDM production were observed in control treatment without CRI. The highest LAI was found at 60 DAP, 50 DAS, 60 DAT for potato, mungbean and T. Aman rice, respectively in both the years. The yield of potato, mungbean and T. Aman rice differed significantly between two years. The yield was increased by 3.41 %, 5.36 % and 5.57 % for potato, mungbean and T. Aman rice, respectively in second year over first year. Across the years, the highest potato tuber yield was obtained from STB+CRI (28.31 t ha-1) which was statistically identical to IPNS+CRI (28.24 t ha-1), STB (28.03 t ha-1), IPNS (27.97 t ha-1), HYG+CRI (26.64 t ha-1) and HYG (26.57 t ha-1). The lowest potato tuber yield was found in control treatment without CRI (6.09 t ha-1). Mean yields of potato as obtained from STB and IPNS treatments without or with CRI were 5.75 %, 22.34 %, 84.40 % and 360.56 % higher over HYG, MYG, FP and control, respectively. The maximum seed yield of mungbean was found in STB+CRI (1.61 t ha-1) which was statistically identical to IPNS+CRI (1.59 t ha-1), STB (1.58 t ha-1), IPNS (1.57 t ha-1), HYG (1.48 t ha-1) and HYG+CRI (1.47 t ha-1) while the minimum seed yield was observed in control without CRI (0.34 t ha-1). Average yields of mungbean as obtained from STB and IPNS treatments without or with CRI were 7.43 %, 24.22 %, 140.91 % and 341.67 % higher over HYG, MYG, FP and control, respectively. The highest grain yield of T. Aman rice was found in STB+CRI (5.24 t ha-1) that was statistically identical to IPNS+CRI (5.21 t ha-1), STB (5.12 t ha-1) and IPNS (5.11 t ha-1) while it was the lowest in control treatment without CRI (1.21 t ha-1). Mean yields of T. Aman rice as obtained from STB and IPNS treatments without or with CRI were 16.70 %, 43.21 %, 104.35 % and 316.94 % higher over HYG, MYG, FP and control, respectively. Likewise, TPP and REY were also found high in above mentioned treatments in both the years. TPP in STB and IPNS were increased by 6.93 %, 24.61 %, 89.14 % and 348.18 % over HYG, MYG, FP and control treatments, respectively. Similarly, REY in STB and IPNS treatments with or without CRI were also increased by 7.21 %, 24.76 %, 91.77 % and 347.32 % over HYG, MYG, FP and control treatments, respectively. The maximum number of small size potato tuber (<28 mm) was produced in control while the number of large size tuber was minimum and it was reverse in case of high nutrient management treatments. In case of other treatments standard size tubers (28-<45 mm and 45-<55 mm) was almost 80 % by number in the present study. Irrespective of treatments, grading by weight was 1-5%, 30-70%, 10-50% and 1.5-20% for potato grades <28mm, 28-<45mm, 45-<55 mm and >55 mm, respectively over the years. Except control treatment without CRI, remaining treatments gave more or less similar protein content in potato tuber, mungbean seed and rice grain and those were statistically identical in both the years. The total nutrient uptake was positive in all the treatments. The nutrient balance was negative for N and K nutrient in all the treatments while the balances for P, S, Zn and B appeared positive in all the treatments except FP and control treatments in both the years. Properties of soil have been changed a little after completion of two cropping cycles in comparison to initial soil properties. Economics of two years mean results revealed maximum gross return, gross margin and net return in STB+CRI (Tk.3,80,927 ha-1), (Tk.3,54,831 ha-1) and (Tk.2,77,172 ha-1), respectively followed by STB and IPNS without or with CRI. The highest BCR was observed in STB (3.69) followed by STB+CRI (3.67), IPNS (3.45) and IPNS+CRI (3.43). On the other hand, maximum MBCR was found in FP (13.39) followed by STB (12.09), FP+CRI (11.78) and STB+CRI (11.40).