I. Hossain
Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
M. H. Ali
Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
S. K. Roy
Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
H. Mahmud
Naria, Shariatpur, Bangladesh
Management, Citrus, Scab
Pest Management
Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. Technol. 13(1&2): 139–142 (2009), ISSN 1029-8800
There were a significant variation among different treatments and total number of leaves per plant. The total number of leaves per plant varied from 710 to 2718 in May, 810 to 2854 in June and 916.3 to 3004 in July, 2006. The highest number of leaves (2726) was found in T6 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit) + urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit)] and the lowest number of leaves per plant (710) was observed in control condition in May. The highest total number of leaves (3004) was observed in T6 while the control (T1) had the lowest value (916.3) in July, 2006. This might be due to shortage of nutrients. The integrated measures of plant health management resulted 227.84% higher number of leaves over control. This measure includes plant nutrients to the soil, amended the soil, added organic matter to the soil and increase soil moisture.Leaf infection per plant of citrus under different treatments was found to vary significantly . The maximum leaf infection in plants (2.69% in May, 4.61% in June and 9.04% in July) was recorded in T5 (irrigated plants), where significantly less infection of leaves was found in T7 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit)], T9 [urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and cowdung (10 Kg per pit)] and T12 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and cowdung (10 Kg per pit)]. In June, 2006 per cent leaf infection was also found to vary significantly under different treatments and ranged from 0.0 to 4.61%, where the highest infection was recorded in T5 (4.61%) and lowest in T7 (0.0%). In July, 2006 the leaf infection ranged from 0.26 to 23.97% in different treatments. Significantly highest (23.97%) and lowest (0.26%) leaf infection were found in T8 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit) and irrigation] and T2 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit)], respectively. Among the different treatments which were applied in the citrus plants, it was found that the lowest leaf infection (0.0%, 0.02% and 0.64% in May, June and July respectively) produced by treatment T12 where mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and cowdung (10 Kg per pit) were applied. The mixed application of these nutrients reduced the scab infection. Irrigation was found to increase the humidity of the field atmosphere that might be suitable for Elsinoe fawcettii and development of scab. It was also observed that decrease of leaf infection was lower (1.74%) in T5 and higher (97.17%) in T2 over control. But the per cent leaf infection was increased in T8 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit) and irrigation) by 160.54% over control in July, 2006. Leaf area diseased per plant of citrus under different treatments in May, 2006 was varied significantly that has been presented in Table 3. the maximum leaf area diseased (2.67%)was recorded in T11 [cowdung (10 Kg per pit) and irrigation], where the lowest was found in T9 [urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and cowdung (10 Kg per pit)]and T12 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and cowdung (10 Kg per pit)] which was 0.07%. in June, 2006 leaf area diseased was also found to vary significantly under different treatments and ranged from 1.0 to 5.33%, where the highest infection (5.33%) was recorded in T11 and lowest (1.0%) in T6 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit) and MOP (200 g per pit)]. In July, 2006 the leaf area diseased ranged from 2.0 to 7.17% in different treatments. Significantly highest (7.17%) and lowest (2.0%) leaf area diseased were found in T5 (irrigation) and T3 [urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit) and MOP (200 g per pit)]. It was found that leaf area diseased was reduced by 18.33% in T13 [mustard oil cake (300 g per pit), urea (200 g per pit), TSP (200 g per pit), MOP (200 g per pit) and irrigation] but leaf area diseased was increased in T5 by 13.27% in July, 2006 which indicated that irrigation made congenial atmosphere for the development of citrus scab