The study was conducted at the documentation laboratory of Plant Genetic Resources Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur during 2012-13. The following descriptors were checked from previous report on germplasm collection. The passport descriptors are: 1. Collector's number, 2. Accession number, 3. Crop species, 4. English name, 5. Bangla name, 6. Local name, 7. Collector (s) name, 8. Date of collection, 9. Donor's name, 10. Ethnic group, 11. Village, 12. Union, 13. Thana, 14. District, 15. Altitude, 16. Latitude, 17. Longitude, 18. Type of soil: Sandy, Sandy loam, Silt loam, Clay, Silt, 19. Topography: Swamp, Floodplain, Level, Undulating. 20. Sample Status: Wild, Weed, Landraces, Primitive cultivar, Breeder's line, Market, Farmers, Unknown 21. Sample source: Field, Threshing floor, Store, Market, Institute, Others, 22. Habitat: Cultivated, Natural wild, Disturbed wild, others, 23.Frequency: Abundant, Frequent, Occasional, Rare, 24. Materials: Seeds, Fruits, Inflorescence, Root, Tubers, Rhizomes, Suckers, Live plant, Herbarium, 25.Cultural Practices: Rainfed, Irrigated, Arid, Wet, 26. Season: Kharif I, Kharif II, Rabi, 27. Associated Crop: Sole, Mixed with 28. Sample type: Population, Pure line, Individual plant, 29. Sampling method: Bulk, Random, Selective (Non random), 30. Insect, Disease, 31. Agronomic score: Very poor, Poor, Average, Good, Very Good; 32.Plant characteristics/Uses/Additional notes. Passport information of a good number of accessions were not available. All the information were recorded in Excel software.