The chemical constituents of water in the rivers of the Sundarbans were analyzed at the point of sudden changes of water color due to the unusual behaviour of the southern Bay of Bengal. Water samples were collected from 8 different rivers within the Sundarbans in Shatkhira district in June 2007 at changed condition, and in June 2008 at usual condition. The chemical analyses included the determination of pH, EC, TDS, CI, HC03, Na, K, Ca, Mg, S, P, B, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Cd and Pb. The pH of water samples of all the rivers were between 7.1 and 7.5. EC and TDS varied from 24.8 to 34.0 dSm-1" and 24,800 to 40,000 mgL-1, respectively. As compared to the normal condition, the EC, CI, K, Fe and Cd were 3 times; TDS, S, B and Mn were 2 times; P and Ca were 5 times; Mg was 14 times and Na was marginally higher at the sudden changes of water color. But at normal condition, pH and Cu were marginally higher, Zn level raised around thrice, Pb was around twice and HC03 raised around nine times higher than the changed condition. Chloride was detected at toxic level for aquaculture. Most of the ions were found at toxic levels for aquaculture. The concentration of Cd at changed condition and Pb at both the conditions of all the waters exceed the permissible limit for livestock (exceptable range of Cd and Pb for livestock are <0.05 mgL-1 and <0.1 mgL-1 respectively). Seventeen species of phytoplankton i.e. Asterionella, Biddulphia, Chiarella, Closterium, Coscinodiscus, Cyclotella, Dinophysis, Febella, Naviculla, Nitzschia, Notholkha, Oscillatoria, Suriralla, Tabellarin, Tetraedron, Ulothrix and Volvox were detected. Significant synergistic relationship was found among Ca-CI, Mg-Na, K-CI, K-S, K-B, Na-Cu, CI-S, CI-B and S-B ions. At changed condition antagonistic relation was observed among Mg-Fe, Mg-P, K-Mn, Na-Fe and Mn-S ions reflected antagonistic relation at changed condition. At normal condition, synergistic relation was found among Ca-Mg, Ca-K, Mg-K, Mg-Na, K-Na, Ca-CI, K-CI, Na-CI, Cu-P, Ca-S, Mg-S, K-S, Na-S, Ca-B, Mg-B, K-B, Na-B,P-B, S-B and S-CI ions. But Mg-Fe, K-Fe, Na-Fe, Fe-S and Cu-Cd ions reflected antagonistic relation.