A Ansari
Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
M G Rasul
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
A W Julfiquar
Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
S Raihan
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricul tural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
A Haque
Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Rice, Cytoplasmic male sterile line, Genotype, Genetic divergence, D2
Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur
Variety and Species
Twenty restorer lines were grown in a randomized complete block design with three replication s at the experimental farm of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur during July to December 2008. The experimental site is under the sub-tropical climatic zone. During the period th e rainfall occurred at least 200 mm/month from the month of July to October. It is characterized by high rainfall, cloudy sky, low temperature at the later part and moderate to high temperature in the earlier part. The whole experimental area was divided into three blocks , representing three replications. Three rows constituted each experimental unit (2m2). Adequate soil fertility was ensured by applying additional quantities of Urea- TSP-MP- Gypsum- Zn so4 @ 150:I 00:70:60: I 0 kg/ha, respectively. Total TSP, MP, Gypsum and ZnS04 were appli ed in final land preparation . Total Urea was applied in three installments, at 15 days after transplanting (OAT), 30 OAT and 45 OAT. Twenty one (21) day old seedlings of CMS lines were transplanted in separate strips with 20 em x 20 em spacing between plant to plant and row to row, respectively were maintained .
Ann. Bangladesh Agric. (2009) 13 ( 1 & 2) : 53-59
Selection of cluster to obtain more heterotic more segregants, th e parents from four pairs of clusters I and II, II and Ill , Ill and IV may be considered. Cluster I had the highest cluster mean for anther length, anther breadth , stigma breadth, flag leaf area, panicle length, panicle weight and 1000 grain wei ht, but average to be low average for number of tillers per hill that were most important yield contributing character. Hybridization between the genotypes of cluster I and cluster II have more chance to manifest maximum heterosis and create wide genetic variability.