Md. Saiful Islam
Former MS Student
Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
Dr. M. Tazul Islam
GTI, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam
Principal Scientific Officer and Head
Crop Physiology Division,
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture,
BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Soil moisture, Mustard, Growth, Yield attributes, Yield
Pot yard of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh
Variety and Species
MS thesis by MD. SAIFUL ISLAM, Examination Roll No. 02AgCBot.JJ05M, Reg. No. 21642, Session: 1994-95, January-June Semester, 2003, Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh