The experiment was conducted at HRC Fruit Orchard of RARS, Jamalpur during January, 2013 to June, 2014. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The unit plot size was 4×4 m2.
The treatments were: Factor-A (Split application of N and K):
T1=2-split (2 months after planting+at shooting)
T2=3-split (2 months after planting+3.5 months after planting+ at shooting)
T3=4-split (2 months after planting+3.5 months after planting+5 months after planting+at shooting) and
T4=BARI Recommended dose and application method (CD-17.50 kg, TSP-325 g, MOP-275 g and Urea-575 g per plant) and
Factor-B (Bagging):
B1=Bagging with white polythene
B2=Bagging with blue coloured polythene and
B3=Without bagging.
Sword suckers of BARI Kola-1 were planted at a spacing of 22 m2 in 60×60×60 cm3 pit. In each of the pit 17.50 kg CD, 162.5g TSP, 250g gypsum and 50g zinc sulphate were applied as basal dose. After 2 months, 162.5 g TSP were applied per plant. Intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. The fertilizers were applied as per schedule of the individual treatment. The polythene bags were perforated about 0.5mm thick. It was sufficiently long to extend about 15-45cm above the top hand and 15 cm below the apical hand. The bag was wide enough to hang freely when the bunch is mature. Bagging was done when all hands had been exposed. Plant height, base girth, no. of leaves, days to panicle appearance, days to first flowering, days to last flowering, days to harvest, bunch weight, bunch length, bunch breadth, peduncle weight, number of hands per bunch, weight of individual hand, no. of fingers/hand, finger length, finger breadth, individual finger weight, skin weight of individual finger, TSS, shelf-life and fruit yield (t/ha) were recorded. After harvest, the bunches were kept at room temperature until full ripening.