The experiment was conducted at the existing Jackfruit orchard of HARS, Khagrachari during the year 2012-2013. Twelve lines were selected earlier and were included in this study viz. AH Kha-001, AH Kha-002, AH Kha-003, AH Kha-004, AH Kha-005, AH Kha-006, AH Kha-007, AH Kha-008, AH Kha-009, AH Kha-010, AH Kha-011 and AH Kha 012 to evaluate the superior jackfruit lines. The plants were fertilized with 20 kg cow-dung, 550g N, 750g P, 685g K and 54g S per plant applied and subsequent irrigation were applied twice in a year. One on late February, and another on mid August after fruit harvest. Twice weeding was performed in the month of March and April, respectively. Irrigation following ring method was given on mid November to March in an interval of 15 days. Unwanted branches were pruned off in September 2012. Fruit harvesting was started from December and continued up to July. Fully mature fruits were harvested from the plant. Five fruit from each plant were randomly selected for evaluation. Data on plant height (m), base girth (cm), canopy spreading, time of flowering, time of harvesting, harvest duration, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight (g), fruit length (cm), fruit breadth (cm), rind wt (g), rind thickness (cm), rachis wt (g), rachis length (cm), rachis breadth (cm), number of bulb per fruit, single bulb wt. (g), bulb length (cm), bulb breadth (cm), number of seed per fruit, single seed wt. (g), seed length (cm), seed breadth (cm), yield per plant, TSS (%), edible portion (%), fruit shape, taste, skin color, bulb color, juiciness, fibrousness, and bulb texture were recorded. For statistically analysis range, mean, Sd and CV (%) were computed by using MS Excel program.