The experiment was conducted in two different locations that were Central station, Dhaka and JAES, Manikganj during the jute season ( April-July) 2013. Jute Variety O-9897 jute was grown in 3x 3 m2 plot with three replication following RCBD. Hiclame 5SG, Digital 18AS, Procure 5SG, Macgor 40EC, Sunclaim 5SG, Winben 5SG, T-Ema+Lambda 15WP, Defendor 50SC, Cure 40SL, , Jet 5SG, Unique 5SG, Flow Plus 70WDG, Sym-EB 10WDG, Thunder 70WDG, Empower70WDG, Dyna Plus 10WDG, Dana Double Plus 10WDG, Pai-thoate 40EC, Pai-ryl 85WG, Agricon 50WDG, Base 45SC, Winsed 45SC, Shelter 5SG, Protect 5SG, Exam 25WG, Meeting 5SG, SB-Phos 48EC, Nice 45SC, Imagine 5SG, Emazoate 5SG, Oclame 5SG, Goldimida 20SL, Emitin 5WDG, Protec 250EC and Nipat 200SL @ 1.5kg/ha, 1.85lit/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1lit/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 25gm/ha, 500ml/ha, 1.85lit/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 100gm/ha, 750gmha, 100gm/ha, 100gm/ha, 750gm/ha, 750gm/ha, 1lit/ha, 1.7kg/ha, 300gm/ha, 250ml/ha, 250ml/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 60gm/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 500ml/ha, 250ml/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 750ml/ha, 1.5kg/ha, 750ml/ha and 750ml/ha, respectively were found effective for controlling jute hairy caterpillar giving more than 83.66% reduction of infestation in Central station Dhaka and JAES, Manikganj at 7th day after spray.