Agro-morphological characterization of germplasm accessions is fundamental in order to provide information for plant breeding programs (Lin, 1991). Adequate characterization for agronomic and morphological traits is necessary to facilitate utilization of germplasm by breeders (Upadhyaya et al., 2008). A total of 99 germplasm accessions were grown in T. Aman season for characterization on the bases of 45 morpho-agronomic traits using the Rice Germplasm Descriptors and Evaluation Form, GRSD. The characterized germplasm were Lema (acc. 153), Muktahar (acc. 156), Banshapur (acc. 158), Ashmber (161), Mal siraz (162), Khirshamoti (163), Laksmi (164), Bazail (165), Buchi (167), Shuli dhan (173), Alad Kumar (174), Kumri Amon (175), Ashami (192), Subulkua (195), Khorma (196), Sakor (197), Fulgainda (198), Baish binni (199), Kumari lal (202), Kumri (203), Kaisha binni (204), Laksmi bilash (211), Neel kumara (212), Gobol sail (balam) (214), Gopal bhog (222), Depa dhan (224), Dusar (225),Bashi Raj (231), Nunia (233), Dud Raj (237), Lal kumara (239), Kabra balam (240), Kalijira (3) (247), Laha dang (409), Chemgul (412), Suna mukhi (418), Khomon dhan (425), Jota ganj (426), Nagra dhan (430), Jingh sail (2) (416), Mohini sail (435), Kati sail (437), Jola (443), Tepa khula (447), Bas kolom (450), Bash moti (4754), Sakkor khana (4761), Horibhog (4764), Arman sarder (4769), Tilokkachari (4770), Kumaragori (4771), Dudhsail (4773), Panboat (4774), Chapsail (4775), Padma bhog (4812), Vojan (4859), Pani sail (4884), Super basmati (4911), Gobindabhog (4916), Karkit sail (5012), Pankhiraj (5053), Sharimaloti (5184), Lunakuchimota (5187), Khaya mota (5203), Rajkuram (5235), Belombor (5236), Rajmohan (5243), Ashfuli (5250), Buripagli (5289), Swarnapajam (5321), Laksmi kajal (5333), Sorbi maloti (5342), Sharna mushuri (5344), Gopal bhog (5346), Badshabhog (5349), Mou biroin (5699), Push biroin (5701), Gondhi beroin (5986), Shovaraj (6631), Dadkhani (6721), Rasmala (7344), Chinisagar (7345), Indur sail (7348), Rong-er-gura (7349), Parbat jira (7351),Tall biruin (Talla) (7355), Begun bitchi (7358), Badshabhog (7554), Pak biruin (7555), Rosa binni (7558), Modhu binni (7559), Haitta binni (7560), Jamaikuli (7643), Jhinuk mala (7649). Single seedling per hill with a spacing of 20 x 20 cm between rows and plants, respectively were grown in the field where single row of 5.4 m long per entry/accession was used. Fertilizers were applied @ 60:20:40 kg NPK/ha. Appropriate control measures were taken for insect pests, diseases and weeds when necessary.