The following efficiency indicators were studied: pumping plant efficiency, conveyance efficiency, seepage loss, channel density, application efficiency.
Pumping plant efficiency
Pumping plant efficiency (Epp) is calculated as:
Epp = (Output horsepower )×100/ (Input horsepower)
= (water horse power )×100/ (Input horse power)
= [{(Q × w) × H}/550] ×100/ (Input horsepower) ………………(4.9)
Q is the discharge rate (cfs)
w is the density of water (1b/ft3)
H is the head of water (ft) [ here, head indicates the velocity head]
‘550’ is the factor to convert ‘ft-1b/s’ to horse power
In SI unit, the above formula can be expressed as:
Epp = (Water power )×100/ (Input power)
= [(Q × 9.81 × H) ×100]/ (Input power) ………………………(4.10)
‘Input power’ in Kilowatt
Q = discharge rate (m3/s)
H = head of water (m)
Conveyance efficiency
Conveyance efficiency (Ec) means the percent of the water reached the field plot on the basis of water diverted and is calculated as:
Ec = (water reached to the plot) × 100 / (water diverted from the source)
Water application efficiency expresses the percentage of irrigation water contributing to root zone requirement. It indicates how well the irrigation system can deliver and apply water to the crop root zone. Hence, the application efficiency takes into account losses such as runoff, evaporation, spray drift, deep drainage and application of water outside the target crop areas. Of these factors, deep drainage and runoff are probably the largest causes of inefficiency and are generally due to over watering. In broad terms, application efficiency is the percentage of water delivered to the field that is ready for crop use. As the application efficiency is a measure of how efficiently water has been applied to the root zone of the crop, this parameter relates the total volume of water applied by the irrigation system to the volume of water that has been added to the root zone and is available for use by the crop. Thus, the application efficiency (Ea) is calculated as (Wingginton and Raine, 2001):
Ea = (irrigation water available to the crop) ×100 / (water delivered to the field)