M. A. Majid
Plant Breeding & Genetics Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box No.4, Mymensingh 2200
S. Roy
Plant Breeding & Genetics Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box No.4, Mymensingh 2200
Q. N. Ahmad
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
M. A. Samad
Plant Breeding & Genetics Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box No.4, Mymensingh 2200
Binamasur-1, Induced high yielding lentil, Mutant variety
Different agroecological zones of Bangladesh
Variety and Species
Bangladesh 1. Nuclear Agric. 16& 17:43-48, 2001 ; ISSN 0258-7130