Sample preparation Animal meats (local cow, Indian cow, buffalo, goat, local hen and farm hen), organ meats (tongue, lung, liver, spleen, and heart of cow and buffalo) were collected randomly from six different market of Chittagong city area. In the same manner the same samples were also collected from Comilla city area. Meat products (chicken burger, chicken samucha, anthon, chicken patties, chicken sandwich, beef pizza, hot dog, beef roll, chicken roll, and chicken wing) were collected randomly from six different first food shop of Chittagong city area. Meat products are usually retailed; so their origin could be varying diversified in the different shops. Egg samples (egg of local hen, farm hen and duck) were collected from Chittagong city area. Yolk and white portion of an egg analyzed separately. The solutions of these samples were prepared by wet digestion method. Clean and dried solid flash samples of meat and organ meat, meat product (as it collected freshly) and boiled samples of egg were taken in a three neck round bottom flask and added 50 mL of RD H2O with the sample. These were boiled for about four hours and then evaporated the solvent. At room temperature 100 mL of HNO3 and HClO4 mixture (5:1: v/v) were added with the boiled sample. This was refluxed at 120-1250 C (20 hours) until a clear solution appeared. The volume of the solution has been reduced to about 3-5 mL by condensation. At room temperature added few mL of RD H2O and filtered through Whatman-40 filter paper into a 100 mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with RDH2O. All the samples solution under the present investigation were prepared in similar manner and stored at room temperature for Spectroscopic measurement. A blank solution was also prepared for each group of sample by using all reagents except the sample. Analytical Techniques The amounts of Fe, Cu and Mg in animal meats under the present investigation were determined by UV-visible double beam spectrophotometer, model Cintra, Australia. For determining the amounts of Fe, Cu, Mg, Co, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni in rest of the samples, an atomic absorption flame emission spectrophotometer, model AAS-240FS Varian Australia was used. The concentration of As in all samples was determined by hydride vapor generation of Atomic absorption graphite emission spectrophotometer, model AA-6401F, Shimadzu, Japan. The analysis was carried out using respective hollow cathode lamps under standard instrumental conditions. All the spectroscopic measurements of the standard metal solutions as well as the sample solutions were done at their respective wavelength of maximum absorptions ?max. The accuracy of the instrumental methods and analytical procedures were checked by duplications of the samples, as well as by using the independent reference standard solutions . Moreover, the known concentration of an independent respective metal solution is measured periodically with the measurement of sample solution. When the measured value of the standard metal solution had shown deviation more then ten percent from its known concentration then recalibration had done for the respective metal. Thus the accuracy and precession of the analytical data were strictly followed throughout the present study. The detection limit of the element for the instrument and the spike recovery rates of the elements analyzed under the experimental conditions were determined (Table 4). Reagents and Solutions The chemicals and reagents used for the analysis were of the AR grade and redistilled water (RD H2O) was used in preparation and dilution of all the solutions. HClO4 and HNO3 were procured from E. Merk, Germany. The necessary standard metal solutions were prepared in ppm level for constructing a calibration curves of Mg, Fe and Cu by UV-Visible spectrophotometer. 1000 ppm spectral solutions of Fe, Cu, Mg, Co, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, As and Ni for AAS were obtained from BDH, England, for calibration purpose. All working solutions were prepared by de-ionized water. The respective metal concentrations were determined from each of the corresponding calibration curves.