The experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of the Department of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh from November 2007 to February, 2008. The experimental field was fertilized with cow-dung @ 1 ton/ha, urea @ 250 kg/ha, TSP 170 kg/ha, MP 85 kg/ha, gypsum 150 kg/ha, zinc oxide 5 kg/ha and boric acid @10 kg/ha (Mondal et al. 2011). Urea was applied by two installments. Total amount of TSP, MP, gypsum, ZnO and boric acid along with half of the urea were applied at the time of final land preparation as a basal dose. The second half of the urea was top-dressed at the time of flower initiation. But micronutrients (gypsum, ZnO, boric acid) were applied only in the desired plots which are selected for micronutrient application. Altogether ten different treatments were employed in the experiment and these were T1: control, T2: rovral 50 WP (0.2%), T3: ridomil gold MZ-72WP (0.2%), T4: dithane M-45 (0.3%), T5: bavistin DF (0.1%), T6: rovral 50 WP (0.2%) + micronutrients, T7: ridomil gold MZ-72 WP (0.2%) + micronutrients, T8: dithane M-45 (0.3%) + micronutrients; T9: bavistin DF (0.1%) + micronutrients and T10: micronutrients (gypsum + zinc oxide + boric acid). The mustard (Brassica campestries) variety SAU Sarisha-1 released from Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University was used in the experiment. Seeds were collected from Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The whole plot was divided into three blocks each containing ten plots of 2 m X 1.5 m size, giving 30 units plots. The space between the blocks was 0.75 m and between the plots 0.5 m, 30 cm from row to row and 10 cm from plant to plant were maintained. Seeds were sown in lines in the experimental plots. The seeds were placed at about 1.5 cm depth in the soil. Seeds were treated by using concerned fungicides with recommended concentration for five minutes. The fungicidal solutions were prepared by mixing with required amount of fungicides (rovral 50 WP @ 0.2%, ridomil gold MZ-72 @ 0.2%, dithane M-45 @ 0.3% and bavistin DF @ 0.1%) with tap water. Spraying was done at 30, 40, 50 and 60 days after sowing using freshly prepared solutions. Special attention was given to complete coverage of the growing plants with the fungicides. Adequate precaution was taken to avoid drifting of spray materials from one plot to the neighboring ones. When 80% of the plants showed symptoms of maturity i.e. straw colour of siliquae, leaves, stem and desirable seed colour in the matured siliquae, the crop was assessed to attain maturity. At maturity, ten plants were selected at random from all lines in each plot, harvested by uprooting and tagged properly. Data were recorded on different parameters from these harvested plants. For health test and detecting the incidence of A. brassicae in the harvested mustard seed, 200 seeds randomly drawn from each sample were tested in standard blotter technique (ISTA 2000). In each Petri dish, 25 seeds were placed in equidistance. All plates with seeds were incubated at room temperature (25 ± 20C). After 7-10 days of incubation, each seed was observed under stereo-binocular microscope to detect the presence of A. brassicae, seed germination and infection. Data were collected from the parameters of leaf infection (%), per cent leaf area diseased, pod infection (%), number of spots/pod, number of leaf/plant, number of branches/plant, plant height (cm), number of pods/plant, 1000-seed weight, yield/plant (gm), yield (Kg/ha), seed germination (%), seed infection (%). Data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer package program; means were compared by DMRT at the 5% level.