M. S. Rahman
M.S student, Department of entomology, BAU, Mymensingh
M. A. Haque
Department of entomology BAU, Mymensingh
R. Islam
ORC, BARI, Gazipur
M. H. Rashid
ORC, BARI, Gazipur
M. A. Hannan
Farm division, BARI, Gazipur
Epilachna Beetle, Biology, Bbrinjal, Ridged gourd, Bitter gourd
Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh
Development of Host and Medicinal Plants
BANGLADESH RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL ; ISSN: 1998-2003, Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Page: 592-596, May - June, 2009