The research work relating to determine the effect of different types of priming on germination and vigour which was conducted at the Agronomy Research laboratory of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207 during December 2013 to February 2014. Area has subtropical micro climate (room condition), characterized by medium temperature, low relative humidity during the Rabi season. The genetically pure and physically healthy seeds of grass pea were collected from of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur. 13 cm diameter sized pots were used to perform the study. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications. Seeds were primed in different concentrations of three growth regulators namely- lemon juice (Citrus limon) with three concentrations 2% (L1), 4%(L2), 6 %(L3), tamarind leaf extract (Tamarindus indica) with three concentrations 0.05% (T1), 0.1% (T2) and 0.15%(T3) and gibberellin (GA3) with three concentrations 10 ppm(G1), 20 ppm (G2) and 30 ppm (G3) for 6 hours (H1) and 12 hours (H2) with priming in distilled water for 6 hours (S6)and 12 hours (S12) and also another one performing standard germination test without priming (S0). An experiment had 21 treatments as follows:S0 = Without priming, S6 = Priming in distilled water for 6 hours, S12 = Priming in distilled water for 12 hours, L1H6 = Priming in lemon juice 2% for 6 hours, L1H12 = Priming in lemon juice 2% for 12 hours, L2H6 = Priming in lemon juice 4% for 6 hours, L2H12 = Priming in lemon juice 4% for 12 hours, L3H6 = Priming in lemon juice 6% for 6 hours, L3H12 = Priming in lemon juice 6% for 12 hours, T1H6 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.05% for 6 hours, T1H12 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.05% for 12 hours, T2H6 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.1% for 6 hours, T2H12 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.1% for 12 hours, T3H6 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.15% for 6 hours, T3H12 = Priming in tamarind leaf extruct 0.15% for 12 hours, G1H6 = Priming in gibberellin 10 ppm for 6 hours, G1H12 = Priming in gibberellin 10 ppm for 12 hours, G2H6 = Priming in gibberellin 20 ppm for 6 hours, G2H12 = Priming in gibberellin 20 ppm for 12 hours, G3H6 = Priming in gibberellin 30 ppm for 6 hours, and G3H12 = Priming in gibberellin 30 ppm for 12 hours.
Data were collected on Germination percentage, seedling length (cm), seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, vigour index, germination index and speed of germination. Germination meant when either cotyledons or plumule emerged above the sand upper surface with the cultivar, BARI grasspea-1. The plant height was measured from ground level to tip of the stem/ longest leaf. Vigour index = Seedling length × Germination %. Germination index = No. of germinated seeds/days of first count+…+…+No. of germinated seeds/days of final count and Speed of germination = N/D; where, N = Number of seedlings germinated on day ‘D’, D = Day after planting.
The collected data were analyzed statistically following the analysis of variance technique and the mean differences were adjudged with least significant different (LSD) using the statistical computer package program, MSTAT-C.