An experiment was conducted at Agronomy field, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh f rom November 2013 to March 2014. Experiment consisted 24 wheat lines coded from L1 to L24 following Randomized Completely Block Design with three replications. Seeds of 24 wheat lines were collected from Advanced Seed Research and Biotech Center (ASRBC), ACI limited. The size of the individual plot was 3.5 m x 2.5 m with inter plot spacing of 0.50 m and inter block spacing of 1 m. All fertilizers were applied at the rate of BARI recommended dose as 200 kg/ha urea, 180 kg/ha TSP, 50 kg/ha MOP, 120 kg/ha Gypsum. Data were collected on plant height, leaf area, crop growth rate, net assimilation rate, number of tillers/plant, number of effective tillers/plant, number of ineffective tillers/plant, spike length, number of spikelets/spike, number of grains/spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield straw yield, biological yield and harvest index.
Crop growth rate (CGR) was calculated using the following formula:
CGR = [(1 ÷ GA) × {(W2 – W1) ÷ (T2 – T1)}] gm2day-1
Net assimilation rate (NAR) was calculated using the following formula:
NAR= TDM ÷ [{(LAI1 + LAI2) × (T2 – T1)} ÷ 2]
Where; GA = Ground area (m2), W1 = Total dry weight at previous sampling date (T1), W2 = Total dry weight at current sampling date (T2), T1 = Date of previous sampling, T2 = Date of current sampling, TDM = total dry matter, LAI = Leaf area index
Biological yield was calculated by using following formula:
Biological yield = Grain yield + straw yield
Harvest index was calculated by using following formula:
Harvest index (HI) = (Grain yield ÷ Biological yield) × 100
Collected data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer package program and mean differences among treatments were evaluated by Least Significance Difference (LSD) test at 5% level of significance.