An attempt has been taken to analyze groundwater and surface water samples collected from Phulbari upazila under Dinajpur district and the chemical analyses include the estimation of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and major ionic constituents like Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, As, P, SO4, CO3, HCO3 and Cl. The 93 samples were collected during irrigation time. The samples were collected from the February to May in the year of 2009. All sources of water have widely used as irrigation for the production of major agricultural crops while the hand tubewell and deep tubewell water are used for drinking, beverage, confectionary and many other purposes. The samples were chemically analyzed and classified on the basis of their comparative suitability for irrigation, drinking and livestock consumption. The chemical analyses included pH, EC, TDS, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Cu, PO4 and SO4. The water samples were categorized based on TDS and SSP. The relationship between different water quality criteria like pH, EC, TDS, SAR, SSP, and HT were established and the combinations such as pH vs EC, EC vs TDS, EC vs SAR, EC vs HT, TDS vs SAR, TDS vs SSP, and SAR vs SSP, pH vs TDS, EC vs SSP, TDS vs HT, SAR vs HT, and SSP vs HT. The pH of water sample were determined electrometrically using pH meters (Harna instrument-211 model) while EC of collected water samples were determined by conductivity bridge (Hanna instrument-HI8033 model). However, Nitrate N was determined by phenoldisulphonic acid method with the help of a spectrophotometer (Hitechi-U- 2800) set at 420nm wavelength. Phosphorus was determined calorimetrically from the water samples using stannous chloride a reducing agent. Sulphate S was determined turbid metrically with the help of spectrophotometer. Complexometric titration was used for measuring the Ca and Mn from the water samples using disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate (Na2H2C10H12O28N2.2H2O) as a chelating agent. Sodium and potassium were determined with the help of a flame emission spectrophotometer by using Na and K filters respectively. Zinc, copper, iron and manganese were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS Chemito-203) at the wavelengths of 213.8 nm, 324.8 nm, 248.3 nm and 279.5 nm, respectively and As was analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS Perkin Elmer Analyst-200) at the wavelength of 193.7 nm. The water quality was measured by Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Potassium Adsorption Ratio (PAR), Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP) and hardness. Statistical analysis was done with the help of a computer (MS Excel) following the standard procedure as described by Gomez and Gomez.