M. K. Uddin
Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division, BRRI Gazipur-1701
A. Islam
Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division, BRRI Gazipur-1701
M. A. Aziz
Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division, BRRI Gazipur-1701
M. R. Islam
Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division, BRRI Gazipur-1701
M. A. Saleque
Senior Scientific officer
Soil Science Division, BRRI Gazipur-1701
Soil properties, Arsenic, Adsorption
Soil Science Lab, BRRI, Gazipur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
Contamination of soil
Ten soils samples (0-15 cm) of five districts of Bangladesh collected from different levels of As contaminated area. The soils are designated as S1 through S10 for convenience. Soil samples were air-dried, ground and passed through 2 mm sieve and stones, roots and plant debris were removed before the soils were air dried at 30 0C. The bulk soils samples were mixed thoroughly by hand stored for analysis. Soils’ physical and chemical properties were determined using standard laboratory procedure. Test soils varied in total As concentration (1.0 to 29.2 µg g-1), pH (4.5 to 7.9), organic carbon (0.45 to 1.86%), clay (10-64%) and dithionate extractable Fe (.48 to 2.40%) and Mn (0.71 to 4.65%). One gram of soil was shaken with 20 ml of 0.01M CaCl2 solution containing 0, 0.25, 0.50, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg L-1 As (as Na2HAsO4.7H2O) for 24 hours in 50 ml glass tubes. After equilibration the suspension was filtered and the As from the filtrates were determined by a hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometer fitted with FIAS 100. The amount of As adsorbed was calculated as
Adsorbed As = (Applied As – As in solution) + As in control soil. The As adsorption data were interpreted from Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin equations as described below:
Langmuir equation:
C/(x/m)= 1/kb + C/b ……………. (1)
Where, C is the equilibrium As concentration (mg/L), x/m is the mg As sorbed per kg soil, b is the adsorption maxima (the maximum adsorption capacity) and k is a constant related to the bonding energy of adsorption. A plot of C (x/m) versus C gives a straight line. The constant b and k were obtained from the slope and intercept.
Freundlich equation:
x/m = aCb ………………………(2)
By rearranging,
Log(x/m) = log a + b log C ……(3)
Where, x/m is mg As adsorbed per kg soil, C is the equilibrium As concentration (mg/L) and a and b are constants. A linear plot of Log x/m versus Log C leads to a and b from the intercepts and slope respectively.
Temkin equation:
x/m = a + blnC…………………..(4)
Where, x/m is the amount of As adsorbed on unit mass of adsorbent (mg/kg), C is the equilibrium As concentration (mg/L) and a and b are constants. A plot of x/m against lnC gives a straight line. The constant a and b are obtained from intercept and slope. The b of the equation (4) is considered as the As buffering capacity.
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech.,2(2):169-174. 2004