Present study has been undertaken to determine the existing scenarios of database management and uses of online resources in some selected public university libraries in Bangladesh. Survey has been carried out by sending questionnaire and personal visit method. For this purpose, a short questionnaire has been prepared to collect necessary information regarding status of be digitized or were ‘born digital’. Many of these repositories are made available to the public with few restrictions, in accordance with the goals of open access, in contrast to the publication of research in commercial journals, where the publishers often limit access rights. Institutional, truly free, and corporate repositories sometimes referred to as digital libraries (Wikipedia). The past technological developments in recent years, particularly in the area of telecommunications, multimedia, and digital technologies, have significantly changed the way we generate, collect, organize, present, disseminate, share, and use information. It is a collection of documents in digital form that allows users to generate as well as to use information electronically, while to others it is a virtual library on the Internet with all its information available in digital form, unlike traditional library systems, does not reside in a building or at any particular location. It is distributed virtually all over the world, and users can get information, as needed, on their computer screens. In addition to traditional text based information, data accessible through the digital library system could include: 1. Non-text information (such as photographs, drawings, illustrations, art etc.) 2. Streams of numeric data (such as satellite information, chronological data, meteorological data, etc.) 3 Digital sound and moving visual images, 4. Multidimensional representation of forms (e.g. holograms), and 5. The integration of these data into new representation drawn from many different sources. In the digital library, information resources are kept in computer processes form to perform effective functions of acquisition, storage, preservation, retrieval, access and display. To render digital, electronic or online services as per satisfaction of the users need trained professional staff as well as latest configuration of computer for better performance i.e. internet with broadband/Fiber Optics Cable (high speed capacity). Library that contains digital materials using different types of formats such as: .doc (document), .pdf (page description format), .html (hypertext markup language) with professional manpower to render the required services may call digital library. In case of download files from Internet, some files can be viewed directly using html format, other can be in pdf or doc format. There are different types of the materials such as text, data, maps, films etc. but computer readability is important criterion here. A digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form stored in Hard Disk or on CD-ROM disks or can be available on the Internet. Using Internet library user may be able to access magazine, journal articles, books, papers, reports, theses, images, sound files, videos, online resources such as online books and journals, free as well as by subscriptions. Some university libraries have begun the task of converting thesis and other resources to electronic format to disseminate on the Internet and in house uses in the library.