Md. Saiful Islam
Scientific Officer
Socioeconomic Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar,Dhaka-1341
Dr. Nathu Ram Sarker
Principal Scientific Officer
Animal Production Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Most. Mahfuja Khatun
Scientific Officer
Socioeconomic Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar,Dhaka-1341
Fodder production, Fodder marketing, and Income coefficient
Dinajpur, Jessore, Kurigram, and Rangpur.
Socio-economic and Policy
Multi-strata sampling procedure was followed for collecting primary data for this study. In the first stage of sampling, four fodder growing districts, namely Rangpur, Dinajpur, Kurigram and Jessore were selected purposively. In the second stage, one upazila was purposively selected from each district as the study location considering the concentration of fodder production and marketing. The selected upazilas were Badarganj under Rangpur district, Chirirbandar under Dinajpur district, Kurigram Sadar under Kurigram district and Jessore Sadar under Jessore district. In the third stage, a total of 200 fodder farmers and middlemen taking 50 from each upazila were randomly selected from each selected district. Fodder farmers were grouped into two categories such as: i) Fodder producer cum seller; and ii) Fodder producer cum dairy owner having 1-2 dairy cows as small, 3-4 dairy cows as medium, and 5 and above dairy cows as large farmer. Fodder middlemen were who had taken fodder business as primary occupation. The analysis was done using descriptive statistics like percentage, frequency distribution, mean, and rank where appropriate. Functional analysis - The following Cobb-Douglas type revenue function model was used to determine the income coefficient of the fodder producer and middlemen. Y = a X1b1 X2b2 X3b3 X4b4 X5b5 X6b6eui . The Cobb-Douglas type revenue function was transformed into following logarithmic form so that it could be estimated by the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. For estimating the income coefficient of fodder producer cum seller, the model was as follows: In Y = Ina + b1InX1+ b2InX2 + b3InX3 + b4 InX4 + b5InX5 + b6InX6 + Ui . Where, Y = Total household income (Tk./year), X1 = Income from crop production (Tk./year), X2 = Income from fisheries (Tk./year), X3 = Income from fodder sale (Tk./year), X4 = Income from service (Tk./year), X5 = Income from business (Tk./year), X6 = Income from livestock rearing (Tk./year), For estimating the income coefficient of fodder producer cum dairy owner, the model was as follows: In Y = In a + b1InX1+ b2InX2 + b3InX3 + b4InX4 + b5InX5+ Ui Where, Y = Total household income (Tk./year), X1 = Income from crop production (Tk./year), X2 = Income from fisheries (Tk./year), X3 = Income from service (Tk./year), X4 = Income from business (Tk./year), X5 = Income from livestock rearing (Tk./year), For estimating the income coefficient of fodder middlemen, the model was as follows: In Y = In a + b1 In X1+ b2 In X2 + b3 In X3 + b4 In X4 + b5 In X5 +Ui Where, Y = Total Household Income (Tk. /year), X1 = Income from crop production (Tk. /year), X2 = Income from fisheries (Tk. /year), X3 = Income from fodder business (Tk. /year), X4 = Income from labour sale (Tk. /year), , X5 = Income from livestock rearing (Tk. /year), a = Constant/intercept; b1, b2…..b6 = Coefficients of the respective variables; and ui = Error term.
Bangladesh Journal of Livestock Research. Volume 20, number 2 (July-December),2013, ISSN 1022-3851 (Accepted for publication)
Five Lakh