K. Naher
MS Student
Dept. Agril. Extn. Edu., BAU, Mymensingh.
M. A. Halim
Dept. of Agril. Extn. Edu., Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU, Mymensingh.
M. M. Islam
Dept. of Agril. Extn. Edu., Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU, Mymensingh.
M. R. Islam
Scientific Officer
OFRD, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur.
Participation, Rural women, Goat rearing, Participation index
Taratpara and Samantapur under Joydebpur upazila of Gazipur district.
Socio-economic and Policy
Two villages namely, Taratpara and Samantapur under Joydebpur upazila of Gazipur district were the locale of the study. The rural farm families (227 from Taratpara and 265 from Samantapur) of the two villages constituted population of the study. Data were collected from a sample of 100 housewives (46 from Taratpara and 54 from Samantapur) randomly selected. The ex-post facto design was followed to conduct the study. An interview schedule (in Bengali) was used to collect data. The researcher herself collected data during February to March, 2000. The independent variables of the study were ten selected characteristics of the rural women such as, age, education, knowledge about homestead agriculture, family size, farm size, family income, cosmopoliteness, extension contact, attitudes towards homestead agriculture and innovativeness. However, the dependent variable of the study was participation of rural women in goat rearing.The extent of participation in goat rearing was measured based on 10 items of goat production whereas suitable scales were employed to measure the dependent and independent variables whenever necessary. For describing the variables, respondents were classified into several categories depending on the data collected against each variable. Descriptive statistics such as number, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, rank order etc. were used in describing dependent and independent variables. Correlation analysis was employed to explore relationship between dependent and independent variables.Measurement of the independent variables:Age,Education, Knowledge, Farm size, Family income, Cosmopoliteness, Extension contact, Attitude towards homestead agriculture, Innovativeness.
Measurement of the dependent variable:
To measure participation, 10 items were selected under goat rearing which were: i) collection of goat, ii) grazing in the field, iii) collection of leaves for feeding, iv) collecting the goats from field during evening, v) care during pregnancy, vi) nursing during labour, vii) looking after the kids, viii) arrangement for vaccination, ix) clothing during winter, and x) selling goats.
Bang. J. An. Sc. 2004, 33 (1-2) : 33-42 (ISSN 0003-3588 )