The experiment was conducted in the Shere-e-Bangla Agricultural University farm, Dhaka, This chapter presents a brief description of the soil, crop, experimental design, treatments, cultural operations, collection of soil and plant samples and analytical methods followed in the experiment.
BRRI Dhan 39, a high yielding variety of rice, was used as a test crop.
3.1.5 Experimental design
Design: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).
Treatment: 5
Replication: 4
Total number of plots: 20
Plot size: 8m × 5m
Block to block distance: 1m
Plot to plot distance: 0.3 m
There were five treatments consisting of TSP, two rates of rock phosphate, one rate of mixed rock phosphate & TSP and a control. Treatments were as follows:
T1 = Control (0 kg P ha-1).
T2 = Phosphate rock (PR) @ 35 kg P ha-1
T3 = Triple Super phosphate @ 35 kg P ha-1
T4 = Phosphate rock (PR) @ 210 kg P ha-1
T5 = Phosphate rock (PR) @ 17.5 kg P ha-1 + TSP @ 17.5 kg P ha-1
Source of PR: Morocco PR are used for the experiment.
Data collection
The data of the yield contributing characters of the crop were calculated as follows:
i) Plant height (cm).
ii) Number of effective & ineffective tillers per hill
iii) Panicle length (cm)
iv) Unfilled and filled grains per panicle
v) 1000-grain weight
vi) grain and straw yields (kg/plot)
The properties studied included texture, pH, organic matter, total N, available P, exchangeable K and available S, Particle-size analysis , textural class,Soil pH ,Organic carbon,Total nitrogen, Available phosphorus , Exchangeable potassium ,Available sulphur
The statistical analysis for different characters including the nutrient content and uptake were done following the ANOVA technique and the mean results in case of significant F-values were adjusted by the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).