Luter-char a char-land (Islet) of Gomoti River was purposely selected as locale of the study. The char-land is situated in Daudkandi upzilla under comilla district just five kilometers away from the upzilla head quarter.
Population and sample of the study
An update list of all farm family heads using only selected rice production practices of the selected village was prepared with the help of Block Supervisors. The list comprised a total of 496 farmers in the study area. These farmers constituted the population of this study. Twenty (20 percent) of the population of the village was randomly selected as sample of population by using a table of Random Numbers. Thus, the total sample size of this study area was about one hundred (100) farmers. In addition to that, two (2 percent) of the population was selected randomly and proportionately of the selected village. Thus, the additional sample, so drawn stood ten (10) farmers, which were included in the population sample in the reserve list. In case the individuals included in the original sample were not available at the time of data collection, the farmers from the reserve list were used for the purpose.
Measurement of independent Variables The selected characteristics of the respondent farmers constituted the independent variables of the study. To keep the research manageable, twelve independent variables were selected for the study. The procedures of measurement of the selected variables were follows:
Age. Level of Family size , Farm size ,Annual income Organizational participation,Extension Media Contact , Cosmopoliteness Attitude towards Modern Agricultural technology respectively.
Agricultural knowledge
The procedure followed in measuring the dependent variable is presented below:
Adoption of selected rice production practices
Statement of Hypothesis
Collection of data
For the purpose of data collection, an interview schedule was prepared. It was prepared keeping the objectives of the study in mind.
Processing of data
The collected raw data were examined thoroughly to find out the errors and omissions.
Statistical Analysis
The collected data were compiled, coded tabulated and analyzed in accordance with the objectives of the study. Qualitative data were quantified by means of suitable scoring techniques. The statistical measures such as range, mean, standard deviation, percentage distribution and rank order were used to describe both the dependent and independent variables. Tables were also used in presenting data for clarity of understanding. In order to explore the relationships of the selected characteristics of the farmers with their adoption of modem agricultural technologies, the Pearson’s Products Moments Correlation Co-efficient was computed. Correlation matrix were also computed to determined the inter relationship among the variables. One (0.01) and five (0.05) percent level of significance with relevant to the degrees of freedom considered to reject or accept the null hypothesis. If the tabulated value was found greater than the calculated value(r) then the null hypothesis could not be rejected, i.e. there was no relationship between the concerned variables. To the contrary if the calculated value (r) was higher then the tabulated value then the null hypothesis was rejected. Conclusion was made with the statement that “there was a significant relationship between the concerned variables”.