Area and Location of Study site
The study was conducted in Hatiya Island. It is located in the southern part of Noakhali district
There are ten unions in Hatiya Island. They are Horni, Chanandi, Sukhchar, Charking, Nalchira, Charishshor, Tomoraddin, Sonadia, Burirchar, and Jahajmara. The population of this island is approximately 345000 and the total household number is 47747. Total area under homestead is 18,118ha. The average area of homestead is 0.28ha. And the average size of the household is 7.377. Per-head land is 0.25ha including new “char”
Agro-ecological zone
The study area is under AEZ-18.
Sampling procedure
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) is the key of all agrarian services in the country as well as the Upazila level. Four unions from Hatiya Upazila were selected with the help of Upazila Agriculture Officer. All households were grouped into five farm categories like marginal (0.15ha), small (0.16-0.25ha), medium (0.26-0.5ha), large (0.51-0.75ha), and very large (0.76-1.00ha) according to size of homestead area. The farmers whose homestead area is up to 0.15ha were identified and eliminated from the list. They have very little land to plant fruit plant in their Home gardens because most of the lands were occupied with their houses. A sample of 80 households were selected, twenty from each union and five from each category.
Mode of study and Data collection
Procedures followed in measuring the independent characteristics are briefly describe bellow-
Age, Education, Family Size, Homestead Size, Annual income from fruit, Knowledge about fruit cultivation, Extension media contact, Total species, Sources of fruit seedlings, Likings of fruit for their homestead,Problem faced by the farmers, Fruit diversity of homestead was the dependent variable of the study. It was described under the following heads:
(a) Species richness
(b) Relative Prevalence of species
(c) Species diversity
Processing of data
The collected raw data were examined thoroughly to detect errors and omission.
Statistical Analysis
The collected data were compiled, tabulated, coded and analyzed in accordance with the objectives of the study. Qualitative data were quantified by means of suitable scoring techniques. The statistical measures such as number and distribution were used for describing the variables of the study. In order to explore the relationships of the selected characteristics of the farmers with the fruit diversity of their homestead, the Pearson’s products moment correlation was computed at five percent (0.05) and one percent (0.01) level of significance