The experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali, during the period from December to March 2014 to find out the Effect of Cropmax on the growth and yield of Mung bean .
Plant materials
Two Mung bean varieties were used in the present study such as BARI Mung 6 and BARI Mung 5. The seeds of the varieties were collected from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur.
Factor A: Two Varieties (BARI)
V1 : BARI Mung 6
V2 : BARI Mung 5
3.3 Experimental treatment
Three different concentrations of Cropmax (concentrated fertilizer supplement) as foliar application was used for the present study as level factor B. Thus the experiment consists of four treatments (control, three of Cropmax) which are as follows
Factor B: Four treatments
T1 : Control (without Cropmax)
T2 : 2.0 ml L–1 plot–1
T3 : 3.0 ml L–1 plot–1
T4 : 5.0 ml L–1 plot–1
So, the treatment combinations of Cropmax and Mung bean used in the experiment were as follows:
- T1V1 (control) ( BARI Mung 6 with out Cropmax)
- T2V1 ( BARI Mung 6 ×2.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
- T3V1 ( BARI Mung 6 ×3.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
- T4V1 ( BARI Mung 6 ×2.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
- T1V2 (control ) ( BARI Mung 5 with out Cropmax)
- T2V2 ( BARI Mung 5 ×2.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
- T3V2 ( BARI Mung 5 ×3.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
- T4V2 ( BARI Mung 5 ×5.0 ml L–1 plot–1)
3.4 Experimental design and layout
The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The experimental area was divided into three blocks. Each block consisted of 8 unit plots.
Total number of plots = 24
Individual plot size = 3 m × 2 m (6.0 m2)
Plot to plot distance = 0.5 m
Row to row distance = 30 cm
Plant to plant distance = 10 cm
Block to block distance = 1.0 m
Sampling and data collection
The first crop sampling was done on 15 days after sowing (DAS) and it was continued up to till physiological maturity on 60 DAS and at harvest. Five plants were selected at random in such a way that the border effect could be avoided. For this reason, the outer two lines and the outer plants of the middle lines in each unit plot were avoided. Data were recorded periodically from the sample plants at 15 days interval. Yield data were also collected after harvest. The plants were separated into shoot including leaf and roots and then their dry weight were recorded after drying them in oven at 80±2OC for 72 hours.
Total dry matter (TDM)
The plant parts such as shoot including leaves and roots were detached and were kept separately in oven at 80±2O C for 72 hours. The oven dried samples were weighed for dry matter production. The total dry matter production was calculated from the summation of shoots and roots.
Absolute Growth Rate (AGR)
Absolute Growth Rate (AGR) values at different growth stages were calculated using the following formula–
AGR = g cm–2day–1
Where, W1= Total dry matter production at previous sampling date
W2= Total dry matter production at current sampling date
T1= Date of previous sampling
T2= Date of current sampling
LA= Leaf area
Loge= Natural logarithm
Crop Growth Rate (CGR)
The crop growth rate values at different growth stages were calculated using the following formula–
CGR = × g m–2day–1
Where, W1= Total dry matter production at previous sampling date
W2= Total dry matter production at current sampling date
T1= Date of previous sampling
T2= Date of current sampling
GA= Ground area (m2)
Relative Growth Rate (RGR)
The relative growth rate (RGR) values at different growth stages were calculated using the following formula–
RGR = g cm–2day–1
Where, W1= Total dry matter production at previous sampling date
W2= Total dry matter production at current sampling date
T1= Date of previous sampling
T2= Date of current sampling
Loge= Natural logarithm
Estimation of chlorophyll
Estimation of chlorophyll from fresh leaves was measured by chlorophyll meter (SPAD meter). The SPAD Meter instantly measures chlorophyll content or “greenness” of plants