The study was conducted at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla nargar, Dhaka, during from April to August 2011 for major insect pests of yard long bean (Vignasesquipedalis) and their management. Required materials and methodology are described below under the following sub-headings:
The study was carried out in the field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University farm, Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Collection of seed, seedling raising and transplanting
The seeds of BARI long yard bean-1 were collected for rapid and uniform germination the seeds of yard long bean were soaked for 12 hours in water. Seeds were then directly sown in the 28th April, 2011 in polyethylene bags (12 cm × 18 cm ). Seeds were sown in bags and irrigated regularly. Water was sprayed once a day for one week. Seedlings were placed in a shady place and were transplanted on May 13, 2011 in the pits of the experimental field after 15 days of germination.
Experimental layout and design
The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications..
The experiment consists of the following management practices:
T1: Shobicorn 425EC @ 2 ml/L of water at 10 days interval
T2: Ripcord 10EC @ 1 ml/L of water at 10 days interval
T3: Actara 25WG @ 0.5 g/L of water at 10 days interval
T4: Diazinon 60EC @ 3 ml/L of water at 10 days interval
T5: Suntap 50WP @ 3 g/L of water at 10 days interval
T6: Quinalphos 25EC @ 3 ml/L of water at 10 days interval
T7: Neem seed kernel powder @ 10 g/L of water at 10 days interval
T8: Untreated control
Monitoring and data collection
The following data were collected during the course of the experiment.
• Incidence of insect pests
• Number of healthy fruits
• Number of infested fruit
• Fruit infestation in number (%)
• Weight of healthy fruits
• Weight of infested fruit
• Fruit infestation in weight (%)
• Edible part of fruit (%)
• Non-edible part of fruit (%)
• Number of pods per plant
• Number of seeds per pod
• Pod length (cm)
• Pod diameter (mm)
• Yield per plot (kg)
• Yield per hectare (ton)
Statistical analysis
The data obtained for different characters were statistically analyzed to find out the significance of the difference among the treatments.