A field experiment was conducted at the Research field of Regional Horticulture Research Station (RHRS), Lebukhali, Patuakhali during the period from October 2012 to March 2013 to study on the effect of different genotypes in relation to growth, development, yield and yield contributing characters f tomato.
Planting materials
Eight tomato genotypes were used in this experiment. The seeds of tomato genotypes were collected from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur.
Eight genotypes of tomato were selected for the research work and they are as follows:
V1 = LE-009
V2 = TLB-130
V3 = VRT-005
V4 = VRT-007
V5 = BARI tomato 3
V6 = BARI tomato 8
V7 = BARI tomato 14
V8 = BARI tomato 15
Experimental design and layout
The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Each replication consists of 24 plants. Thus the total number of plants were (24 x 3) = 72.
Data collection
Five randomly selected plants in each genotype were labeled and used for recording different morphological and yield parameters from 15 DAT to 75 DAT at 15 days interval and yield data were collected during harvest. The mean of five plants was taken for analysis.
Measurement of yield and yield components
Number of clusters per plant
The total number of clusters in individual plant was counted to calculate number of cluster per plant.
Number of flowers per cluster
Total number of flowers was divided by the total number of clusters to get flower numbers per cluster.
Number of flower per plant
The total number of flowers in each plant was counted to get flower number per plant.
Days to 50 % flowering
The days required for the blooming of flowering at least 50% flower was counted as 50% flowering days.
Number of fruits per cluster
Total number of fruits of each plant was divided by the total number of clusters and the mean value of fruit per cluster was calculated.
Number of fruits per plant
The total number of fruits in each plant was counted to get fruit number per plant.
Percent of fruit setting
Total number of fruits of each plant was divided by the total number of flowers and the value is multiply with 100 to count percent of fruit setting.
Days to first harvest
The days required for first harvesting of fruit of a plant was counted as days of first harvest.
Pericarp thickness
Randomly selected five fruits from each plant were sectioned in the middle vertically with a sharp knife. The pericarp of fruit was measured as the outer side to fleshy part (mesocarp) in cm with a centimeter scale and then averaged.
Length of fruit
Randomly selected five fruits from each plant were sectioned in the middle vertically with a sharp knife. The length of fruit was measured as the vertical distance from one side to another of the sectioned fruit in cm with a centimeter scale and then averaged.
Diameter of fruit
Randomly selected five fruits from each plant were sectioned in the middle vertically with a sharp knife. The diameter of fruit was measured with a centimeter scale as the horizontal distance from one side to another of the sectioned fruits and then averaged.
Individual fruit weight
Five fruits were randomly selected from each plant, weighed and averaged to get
individual fruit weight of which was expressed in gram.
Fruit weight per plant
The weight of individual fruit was recorded during each fruit harvesting and was continued up to final harvesting. Thus total weight was calculated to get fruit weight per plant and expressed in kilogram.