The research work was conducted at the research farm of the Department of Agricultural Botany, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU), Dumki, Patuakhali during the period from November 2013 to March 2014 to study on growth and yield attributes of cabbage as influenced by organic manures.
Plant materials
Two varieties of cabbage viz. Local cv. Supertropic (V1) and Hybrid cv. Atlas–70 (V2) were used as planting materials for the present study.
Treatments (organic manures)
Five different treatments were considered including control for the present study where all the treatments were used as organic manure (OM) based. The treatments of the present study are as follows:
OM0= Control
OM1= Cowdung (6 kg plot–1)
OM2= Mustard oil cake (750 g plot–1)
OM3= Vermicompost (3 kg plot–1)
OM4= Trichoderma (3 kg plot–1)
Methods of data collection
Five plants, most of them from middle rows were selected from each unit plot for data collection. Data were recorded from sample plants during the period of experiment. The following parameters were recorded.
Plant height
The plant height was measured at 45, 60 and 75 days after transplanting (DAT) by using a meter scale. The measurement was taken from the ground level to the tip of the largest leaf of an individual plant. Mean value of the selected five plants was calculated for each unit plot and expressed in centimeter (cm).
Plant spread
The spread of plant was measured with a meter scale as the horizontal distance covered by the plant. The data were recorded from the selected five plants at 45, 60 and 75 DAT and mean value was counted and was expressed in centimeter (cm).
Number of loose leaves
The total number of loose leaves per plant was counted from the selected five plants at harvest and mean value was recorded.
Length of the largest leaf
The length of largest leaf was measured at 45, 60 and 75 DAT by using a meter scale. The measurement was taken from base to tip of the leaf. Thus mean was recorded and expressed in centimeter (cm).
3.5.5 Breadth of the largest leaves
The breadth of the largest leaf was measured from the selected five plants by a meter scale and mean of five plants was recorded at 15 days interval from 45 DAT up to 75 DAT and was expressed in centimeter (cm).
Number of lateral roots
After harvest, the main roots of the five sample plants were pulled out from the soil and the soil was washed out by water. Then the numbers of lateral roots of plants were counted and the mean value was found out.
Dry weight of roots
After harvest, the fresh roots of sample plants were dried in air for two days and were kept in an oven at 70oC for three days till the weight became constant. The dry weight was recorded in gram (g) and the mean value was calculated.
Diameter of stem
The diameter of stem at harvest was recorded in cm with a meter scale from the average of five plants.
Dry weight of stem
The fresh stem of sample plant was dried in direct sunlight for two days and was kept in an oven at 70oC for three days till the weight became constant. The dry weight was recorded in gram (g) and the mean value was found out.
Diameter of head
The heads from sample plants were sectioned vertically at the middle position with a sharp knife. The diameter of the head was measured in centimeter (cm) with a meter scale as the horizontal distance from one side to another side of the widest part of the sectioned head and mean value was recorded.
Fresh weight of head
The heads from sample plants were cleaned by removing unfolded leaves. The weight of every head was measured with a weighing balance and mean values was recorded in kg plant–1.
Dry weight of head
A smaple of one hundred grams chopped head from the selected five plants were dried freshly in the direct sun light for two days and then it was dried in an oven at 65oC for 72 hours, until constant weight was achieved. The dry weight of the sample was recorded in kg plant–1 and thereafter converted into kg plot–1.
Statistical analysis
The recorded data on various parameters under study were statistically analyzed according to the principles of experimental design to find out the variation resulting from experimental treatments. Analysis of variance was done following the Randomized Complete Block Design with the help of MSTAT–C package programme developed by Russel (1986). The means for all the treatments were calculated and analysis of variance for each parameter was performed by F-test (Gomez and Gomez, 1984) while means were adjust by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level of significant.