Three herds viz: Talbag Dairy Farm, Savar; Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm, Mymensingh; Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar; were selected for the study. The breeds were selected from Talbag Dairy Farm, BAU Dairy Farm, Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm were Friesian; Sahiwal, Holstein-Friesian, Jersey; Local× Friesian, Local × F × Friesian, respectively. The feeding management of Talbag Dairy Farm were sufficient rough ages with appropriate amount of concentrate. The ingredients of concentrate were wheat bran, maize, rice polish etc. The forage ingredients are zamboo, napier, straw. The amount of concentrate was 10 kg/ day/ cow and the forage was 12 kg/ day/ cow. The artificial insemination was performed in this farm. The average insemination time after identifying heat was 12-18 hrs. Regular replacement of heifer was done. Routine deworming against liver fluke, round worms was in practiced and the cows were vaccinated routinely against foot and mouth diseases, anthrax, black quarter, haemorrhagic septicemia but vaccine available in those area were not control of diseases due to expired date of vaccine, impurities of vaccine. The cows were managed traditionally. All cows had free access to drinking water. All cows were milked twice a day by hand and keeping their calves during milking. The feeding management of BAU Dairy Farm were maintained by supplying sufficient rough ages with appropriate amount of concentrate. The ingredients of concentrate were wheat bran, rice polish, oil cake, salt, di calcium phosphate. The forage in the form of 20 kg green grass per cattle. The concentrate amounts for milking cow, dry cow, pregnant cows, and others were 2-3 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg and half kg, respectively. The artificial insemination was performed in this farm. The feeding management of Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm was maintained by supplying sufficient rough ages with appropriate amount of concentrate. The ingredients of concentrate were wheat bran, rice polish, oil cake, salt, di calcium phosphate, maize, khesari, soyabean. The amount of concentrate was 5 kg/ day/ cow and the forage in the form of 15 kg green grass and 3 kg straw. The artificial insemination was performed in this farm. In the farms of the study area and the question in the schedule were rearranged and modified accordingly. A new set of questions were added in accordance with local managemental practice. The questionnaire was designed for collecting data and it contained: (i) Farm and owner identification, general information, breeds of different animal, milk production records etc, (ii) Feeding and their management, (iii) Breeding management, (iv) Hygienic management, (v) Farmers opinion-constraints and suggestion and (vi) Individual cow data: Breeding age, Calving age, Age at first conception, Calving to first estrous, Calving to first service, Days open, Calving interval, First service conception rate, Number of service per conception, Calf per year, Calf mortality etc. Out of 42, 157 and 1552 cattles in Talbag Dairy Farm, BAU Dairy Farm and Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm randomly was selected 10, 52, 60 lactating cows, respectively. Two years (April 2010-March 2012) data were collected from three farms are Talbag Dairy Farm, Savar; BAU Dairy Farm, Mymensingh; Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar. Direct interview technique was followed where the author asked questions to the respondents and recorded the answer in the questionnaire. If available, farm records were reviewed to obtain additional information and the animals were examined. The raw data (extracted from questionnaire response) were decoded, entered and sorted accordingly using the MS Excel 2007 and MS Word. The data were then transported to analytical software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for doing descriptive analysis.