The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory of Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali from March to September, 2013.
Plant materials
The seeds of jute (Corchorus capsularis) were used as the planting material in the experiment. Seeds were collected from the Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Khepupara, Patuakhali. Seeds were tested for germination before sowing and it was found 98% germination.
There were two sets of experimental treatments included in the study. These were as follows-
A. Varieties
- CVL 1 (BJRI Deshi 2)
- CVE 3 (BJRI Deshi 3)
- BJC 7370 (BJRI Deshi 5)
B. Levels of potassium: 4
- 0 kg K ha-1(K0)
- 20 kg K ha-1(K20)
- 30 kg K ha-1 (K30)
- 40 kg K ha-1(K40)
Treatment combinations
There were 12 treatment combinations obtained from the above treatments as follows:
Experimental design and layout
The experimental plot was laid out in arandomized complete block design with three replications. The number of plots in the experiment was 36. The size of individual plot was 2.5m × 4.0 m. There are three jutevariety viz., CVL 1,CVE 3 and BJC 7370 and A total 4 treatments i.e.0kg/ha, 20kg/ha, 30kg/ha, 40kg/ha potassium (K) along with a control will be distributed randomly in each plot as one replication.
Procedure of data collection
Data on growth and fibre yield components were recorded on the following parameters:
- Plant population at harvest
- Number of internodes per plant
- Plant height (cm)
- Plant diameter (mm)
- Green weight with leaf (kg)
- Green weight without leaf (kg)
- Fibre weight per plant (g)
- Fibre weight per plot (kg)
- Stick weight per plant (g)
- Stick weight per plot (kg)
Plant height: The plant height was measured by a cm and meter scale at final harvest taking the reading from ground level to the tip of plants.
Plant diameter: Diameter of the plant was measured at three levels-base (about 2.5 cm above ground level), middle and technical top (from where branching took place). Diameter was measured using a slide calliper and the mean diameter was calculated.
Number of internode: Number of internodes were numbered by manualy at final harvest taking the reading from ground level to the tip of plants.
Green weight with leaf: Green weight with leaf were weighed just after harvest in a balance to record the total green weight with leaf per 10 plants.
Green weight without leaf: Green weight without leaf were weighed just after removal of leaf from the harvest plant in a balance to record the total green weight without leaf per 10 plants.
Fibre weight: Jute was retted properly under slow-moving water. Fibres were extracted from the plants and it was dried in sun. The dried fibres were weighed by a spring balance.
Fibre yield: Jute was retted properly under slow-moving water. Fibres were extracted from the plants and it was dried in the sun. The dried fibres were weighed by a spring balance and weight of dry fibre m-2 and t ha?¹ was recorded.
Stick yield: The sticks were also dried properly in sun for a week and the sticks were weighed in a balance to record the yield of jute sticks m-2 and t ha-1.