Broadcasting × Phosphorus @ 80 kg ha-1 (PM2×P80)
Experimental design and layout
The experiment was laid out in a two factors randomized complete block design with three replications. The size of each plot was 3.3 m × 2 m where block to block and plot to plot distance was 1.0m and 0.5 m, respectively. Row to row and seed to seed distances were 30 cm and 20 cm, respectively in each plot while it was planting in line sowing method. Broadcasting sowing method was also obtained for observing and comparison the growth and yield performance of the studied BARI Mung 6.
Manures and fertilizers
The calculated entire amount of all manures and fertilizers were applied during final land preparation according to the plots. The applied 100 kg manures were mixed properly with the soil in the plot using a spade. The doses and methods of application of organic and inorganic fertilizers were shown in below:
Name of Fertilizers
Dose (ha-1)
Quantity plot-1
20 kg
8 g
Triple Super Phosphate(TSP)
150 kg
6 g
Murate of Potash(MOP)
50 kg
20 g
Source:BARI 2006 (Fertilizer Recommended Guide)
Sampling for data collection
The first crop sampling was done on 25 days after sowing (DAS) and it was continued up to till physiological maturity on 55 DAS at an interval of 15 days and at harvest. Data were collected when the foliage turned pale yellow. Data were recorded for 5 individual plants per plots in each replication. Yield data were also collected after harvest. The plants were separated into shoot including leaf and roots and then their dry weight were recorded after drying them in oven at 80±2OC for 72 hours.
Absolute Growth Rate
Absolute Growth Rate (AGR) values at different growth stages were calculated using the following formula–
g cm–2day–1
Where, W1= Total dry matter production at previous sampling date
W2= Total dry matter production at current sampling date
T1= Date of previous sampling
T2= Date of current sampling
Relative Growth Rate
The relative growth rate (RGR) values at different growth stages were calculated using the following formula–
g cm–2day–1
Where, W1= Total dry matter production at previous sampling date
W2= Total dry matter production at current sampling date
T1= Date of previous sampling
T2= Date of current sampling
Loge= Natural logarithm
Leaf Area Index
Leaf area index of 5 plants was measured by dividing leaf area per plant with land area (cm2) covered by the plant.