M N Amin
M A Hossain
M A Hoque
K K Saha
M M Ullah
M Miaruddin
Package, Transportation, Pineapple, Corrugated fibre board
Farm Machinery and Postharvest Process Engineering Division, BARI, Gazipur
Postharvest and Agro-processing
Adoption of technology
Two types of corrugated fibre board (CFB) cartons were designed and fabricated. Dimensions of the packages were 510´310´200 mm and 510´310´250 mm and numbers of ply of the packages were 5 and 7 ply, respectively. Holding capacity of these cartons was 10-11 kg. The bearing load of carton was measured by manually. Multipurpose plastic crate and local made bamboo basket were used for transportation of pineapple. Matured pineapple (5-10% yellow colour on bottom of the pineapple) of honey queen was purchased and transported from Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) to Gazipur by pickup for conducting the following treatments of the experiment during 2013. The transportation weight and injury losses of pineapple were evaluated from Khagrachari to Gazipur. In 2014, pineapple (Mature pineapple at green stage (TSS=10.7-11.0 and hue= 100°) was harvested from farmers’ orchard at Bagabari, Rangamati at 8 am and packed in different packages. They were transported by a pickup from harvesting point to BARI, Gazipur (distance of 360 km). Each of the treatment was replicated thrice. Weight, injury, decay, colour, TSS of pineapple at different ripening stages were recorded.
T1= control (conventional method)
T2= wrapping with newspaper and packed in plastic crate
T3= wrapping with newspaper and packed in CFB
T4= wrapping with 2% perforated polyethylene (0.05 mm) and packed in plastic crate
T5= wrapping with 2% perforated polyethylene (0.05 mm) and packed in CFB
T6=without wrapping and packed in plastic crate and
T7= without wrapping and packed in CFB
Design of the corrugated fibre board
Export carton size of honey queen pineapple=10 kg
Export size of honey queen pineapple=400-500 g
According to the above condition, number of pine apple contain in the box=20
Length of CFB=maximum diameter of fruits x 5 fruits place one layer horizontally=45-50 cm
Width of CFB=height of fruits (fruits placed facing) = 30 cm
Height of CFB= maximum diameter of fruits x 2 layers=20 cm.
Annual Research Report, FMPE, BARI--2013-14