A study was carried out to calculate disease prevalence of Acacia auriculiformis at four selected different sites of Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh. Acacia auriculiformis are the dominant trees in every site of the campus. A total of fifty trees were randomly selected in each study area. Ganoderma spp. viz G. lucidum-1, G. lucidum-2, and G. lucidum-3 were collected from fully dead plants where as G. applanatum from partially dead trees. Symptomatology of infected trees due to Ganoderma was studied carefully. In the present study, Ganoderma spp. was classified. All of mycelium of four Ganoderma was hyaline, hyphae aseptate, basidiospores were thick walled, bitunicate, golden brown in color and ovate in shape. Colors of the colony of all wild Ganoderma were white. The morphological, microscopic and cultural characteristic features of Ganoderma lucidum found more or less similar with previous researchers. There was no chlamydospore found during present study as described by previous workers. The trees were scored for disease classes on a scale of 0 to 4. Both the pathogens and infested wood chips were cultured on PDA medium. Pieces (1 cm × 1 cm) of pileus and wood chips (1 cm × 1 cm) were placed at the center of the plate separately. Three replications for each isolate were maintained and incubated at 32 ± 2ºC. All of the isolates were pure cultured on PDA plates and stored at 4ºC until further use. Morphological Characterization of Ganoderma such as shape, size, thickness, margin, color, texture of pileus was examined. Microscopic studies were done by stereoscopic binocular microscope. Hyphal features, colony characteristics were recorded. A total of four species of Trichoderma i.e., Trichoderma harzianum, T. koningii, T. viride (green strain), and T. viride (yellow strain) were collected from infected spent mushroom spawn packets of Pleurotus ostreatus, during December’2010 to February’2011. Sawdust of 11 randomly selected hosts viz., Acacia auriculiformis (L), Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou, Tectona grandis L. f., Delonix regia (Bof.)Raf. Mangifera indica L., Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn., Artocarpus chaplasha Roxb., Albizia procera Benth., Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth., Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. were collected from Barisal Timbers & Saw mills, Kazi Timbers & Saw mills, M/S. N.S. Timbers etc. of Savar Bazar, Dhaka. Sawdusts were put in broad mouth test tubes (20 cm) and autoclaved (121ºC temperature, 15 atm pressure for 20 minutes) for two times (a modified method of Fernando, 2008) Four treatments combinations were used to assess susceptibility of Ganoderma. After cooling of saw dusts, fungal block each of 8 mm in size was inoculated into the test tubes containing sawdust under aseptic condition and cotton plugged. Test tubes were incubated at 32 ± 2ºC temperature. Radial growth of Ganoderma spp. on the test tube was measured at 10 days intervals and was analyzed statistically by MSTAT-C program. Treatment T1 (Control) comprised of 70% Sawdust+65% moisture+ inoculums (Ganoderma -1,2,3,4 separately); treatment T2 of 70% Sawdust+65% moisture+ 0.5% CaCO3+inoculums (Ganoderma -1,2,3,4 separately); thus Treatment T3 and T4 made up of 70% Sawdust+65% moisture+ 30% wheat bran+2% sucrose+0.5% CaCO3+inoculums (Ganoderma -1,2,3,4 separately) and 70% Sawdust+65% moisture+ 30% rice bran+2% sucrose+0.5% CaCO3 +inoculums ( Ganoderma -1,2,3,4 separately) respectively. A field experiments were also conducted at Jahangirnagar University Campus during April to August 2011. A total of eight treatment combinations were used in field experiments. A total of fifty non infected plants were randomly selected in these purpose to inoculate the isolated Ganoderma to examine the capacity to infest on living host and the control of diseases prevalence using antagonists.