The experiment was conducted in the research field of Agronomy department of BSMRAU, during 2011 and data were recorded for different agronomical traits. Thirty three genotypes of rice including three check varieties were collected from Genetic Resources and seed Division (RSO) of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur. The genotypes were BR 7177- 2B- 27, BR 7391- 2B- 7, BR 7392- 2B- 25, BR 7397- 2B- 10, BR 7662- 2B- 44, BR 6855- 2B- 11- 3- 4, BR 6855- 2B- 11- 3- 5, BR 7178- 2B- 19, BR 7178- 2B- 19, OM 1490, BR 7383- 2B- 23, BR 7384- 2B- 24, BR 7381- 2B- 15, BR 7181- 2B- 35- 3, BR 7384- 2B- 5, BR 6976- 2B- 15, BR 7385- 2B- 13, BR 7187- 2B- 2- 5, BR 7587- 2B- 3, BR 7187- 2B- 2- 3, BR 7187- 2B- 2- 5, BR 7662- 2B- 22, BR 7181- 2B- 35- 2, BR 7181- 2B- 35- 7, BR 7381- 2B- 2, BR 7586- 2B- 27, BR 6976- 2B- 11- 1, 7181- 2B- 35- 6, BR 6855- 2B- 11- 3- 7, BR 7134- 2B- 19- 3. The three check varieties were BRRI dhan 42 (rice color is white, life duration is 100 days, coarse grain and drought tolerant, yield is 3.5 to 4.0 t/ha ), BRRI dhan 43 (rice color is white, life duration is 100 days, medium coarse grain and drought tolerant, yield is 3.5 t/ha ), and Morichbati (yield 3.0 t/ha, life duration is 98 days, drought tolerant). The experiment was laid out in a randomized completed block design (RCBD) with three replications. The field was divided into three blocks; they were subdivided into thirty three plots where the genotypes were randomly assigned. The unit plot size was 8 m × 2.5 m. The genotypes were distribution to each plot within each block randomly. The land was prepared thoroughly by 3-4 times ploughing followed by laddering to attain a good puddled condition. Weeds and stubbles were removed and the land was finally prepared by the addition of basal dose of fertilizers. The experimental plots were fertilized by applying urea, TSP, MoP and Gypsum @ 180-100-70-60 kg/ha respectively. Total TSP, MoP and Gypsum were applied at final land preparation. Total urea was applied in three installments, at 15 days after sowing (DAS), 30 DAS and 50 DAS as recommended by BRRI (Anonymous, 1999). Data were collected from 5 hills for each genotype on individual plant basis. Data on 12 quantitative traits such as plant height, Days to 50% flowering, Number of tillers per plant, Days to harvesting, No of panicles per hill, Panicle length, No. of primary branches per panicle, No. of secondary branches per panicle, No. of grains per panicle, No. of unfilled grains per panicle, 100 grain weight (g), Yield per hill (g) were calculated. Mean data of each character was subjected to multivariate analysis viz. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Cluster Analysis, and Canonical Variate Analysis using GENSTAT 513.