Dr. Monoj Mohan Sen
Department of Medicine, BAU, Mymensingh-2202
During the period a total of 245 weak, ill-thrift calves - showing the syndrome of weight loss, emaciation, rough hair coat, skin lesions, diarrhea, bottle jaw, anaemia, 20 healthy calves were selected for the study. Economic status of the owner, information of dams regarding parity, breed, sex, age and finding of clinical examination of the calves were recorded. Fecal samples examination of calves’ revealed eggs of strongylids, paramphistome, fasciola tape worm, ascaris, trichuris and schistosomes. Total eggs count ranged from 100-150 egg per gram of feces. The blood parameter showed erythrocyte count 1.97 to 6.58 x106µl, packed cell volume 11 to 32%, hemoglobin 4 to 11 g/dl and total plasma protein 3 to 8.5 g/dl, blood glucose 32 63 mg/dl, differential count was: lymphocyte 53-78%, neutrophil 17 to 46% eosinophil 0 to 7%,basophil 0 to 1%, monocyte 0 to 3%. DeminthR, EndokilR, PeraclearR,DovenixR,LevanidR,TetranidR,CofacalciumR,Cal-D-MagR, SancalR, 25% Dextrose, 5% Dextrose saline, RanamycinRL.A. , Sulpha-3, Hematopan B12 and Avil VetRetc. were used for the treatment of calves on the basis of clinical examination. Fecal samples examination at 7th, 15th and 30th days of post anthelmintic treatment was found negative. Improvement in health condition of the calves was observed after treatment .Eighteen calves died during treatment. The calves within age group of 7-12 months were found to be most susceptible to develop weak and ill-thrift calf syndrome. Calves having hemoglobin level of 4 to 4.5% and packed cell volume 11 to 13% could not be saved with the treatment mentioned. The PVC and Hb level may be used as criteria to diagnose the severity of the disease and to predict the prognosis of the cases. Parasitic infection, energy and protein malnutrition, ignorance and negligence of the owner about the management of the calf and poor economic status of the owner contributed much to the weakness and month of age the calves. Regular dosing with suitable anthelmintic at 3rd, 5th month of age along with improved feeding practice prevented the development of weak and ill-thrift calf syndrome.
ill-thrift calf, Etiology, Therapeutic
Department of Medicine, BAU
Variety and Species
Volume 13,
Proceedings of the workshop 09-10 April 2003,
Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System BAURES), Mymensingh