M.K.I. Khan
Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong - 4225, Bangladesh
M. Naznin
Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong - 4225, Bangladesh
Goats, Live weight, Weight gain, Sexual matuirity, Semi-insentive
Panchlaish Thana, Chittagong district of Bangladesh
Animal Health and Management
Management of goats: The goats were kept in the dry and high placed bamboo sliced made well ventilated house with sufficient floor spaces. Fifteen goats were reared in one shed. There was no separate shed for male or female and for kids of black Bengal goat and Jamunapari goat. The goat was allowed to graze in the field about 5-6 h. Feed was provided three times in a day at morning, noon and afternoon and keep adequate water supply during feeding. In addition, some concentrates like broken rice, rice gruel, wheat bran, motor bran, gram chuni, banana residues was supplied and during the scarce period of time they fed the goats tree leaves, herbs, etc., Kids are fed milk from their dam up to weaning. All does were naturally mated. At the end of estrus the goats were allowed for natural service. A matured buck is used for 25-30 does. Regular/periodic de-worming is practiced. Goats are vaccinated against PPR. A veterinarian are regularly inspecting the farm to observe the health status of goat and treated them if the goats are suffering from any diseases or diseases condition like anorexia, diarrhea, PPR, difficulty of kidding.
Study of live weight and live weight gain: Data were collected from 72 black Bengal goats and 32 Jamunapari goats of 2 different farms. Birth weight of kids was taken within 24 h after birth. The kids birth weight and subsequent live weight at weekly interval up to sexual maturity were recorded for estimates the birth weight, weight gains and age and weight at weaning up to sexual maturity. The goats were weighted by top loading balance during the study period.
Fitting the linear regression equation: The linear regression y = a+bx (where, x is the ages of goats and a and b are the parameters that define the shape of the curve) used to fitting the observed values of birth to weaning and weaning to sexual maturity. To obtain the model parameters, a (intercept), b (slope) and fit statistics, R2 (Co-efficient of determinant) the above linear model was fitted with Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
Statistical analysis: The collected data were unequal which was tabulated in Excel and edited. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical package. The following statistical models were used to obtain the least square means with standard error of all parameters.
The model is given as:
Yijkl = μ+Bi+Sj+Fk+eijkl
where, Yijkl is value of the traits, μ is the overall mean, Bi is the effect of Breed and Si is the sex effect, Fk is the effect of farm, eijkl is the random error.
The mean differences were compared using least significant difference that (Isd) at 5% level of significance.
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 16: 998-1003; ISSN 1028-8880