Selection of the study area: The area in which a survey is to be carried out depends on the particular purpose of the survey. The study area and sample units were selected keeping in mind the objectives of the study. The work was done in two districts named Mymensingh and Jamalpur. Location: Mymensingh district (Dhaka division) with an area of 4363 square kilometers is bordered on the north by Meghalaya state of India and Garo Hills, on the south by Gazipur district, on the east by districts of Netrokona and Kishoreganj, and on the west by districts of Sherpur, Jamalpur and Tangail. The Mymensingh is located at 2402'31''- 25º25'56'' North latitude and 89º 34' 00'' to 91º15' 35'' East longitude. Mymensingh district has eight municipalities and twelve Upzillas. Among them Fulbaria, Muktagachha and Trishal Upazila were studied through random sampling. Population of this district is 4439017. Among them male are 50.62%, female 49.38%. Religious classes of this district is, Muslim 94.73%, Hindu 4.25%, Christian 0.75%, Buddhist 0.06% and others 0.21%. Among the literate 30.7% are male and 20% female. Occupation of the people can be represented as agriculture 57.67%, commerce 8.15%, transport 15.66%, construction 2.13%, service 1.21%, others 15.18%. The Brahmaputra is the main river of Mymensingh. The Jamuna River forms the western boundary of Mymensingh. Jamalpur is a district in Dhaka division and in the northern part of Bangladesh. This district was established in 1978. This district consists of 7 upazilas, 6 municipalities, 68 union parishads, 57 wards, 224 mahallas and 1532 villages. The studied upazilas were Jamalpur Sadar and Dewanganj. The latitude and longitude of Jamalpur district is 24º91´67´´ North and 89º93´33´´East respectively. Area of Jamalpur district is 2031.98 sq km. Its Population is 2089366. Among them male are 50.58%, female 49.42%. Religious classes can be stated as Muslim 97.74%, Hindu 1.98%, Christian 0.10%, Buddhist 0.04% and others 0.14%. Main occupations of the people includes Agriculture 44.01%, transport 1.39%, fishing 1.26%, agricultural labourer 18.6%, wage labourer 2.86%, commerce 10.62%, service 10.84% and others 10.42%. Literacy rate represents average literacy 39% male 53% and female 25%. Selection of target group and respondents: For the current research, aqua-farms were studied from five upazilas of two district named Fulbaria, Muktagachha and Trishal of Mymensingh and Jamalpur Sadar and Dewanganj of Jamalpur to identify the real condition of labourers specially the child labourers. 79 aqua-farms were selected from the two districts for interviewing to fulfill the objectives of the study. Timing of data collection: The data and information were collected by the author himself through personal interviews. Data were collected from January-April 2014. Preparation of survey schedule and questionnaire: The data were collected by interviewing the aqua-farms using a free form questionnaire. Initially draft questionnaire was prepared with considering the objectives of the study. The questionnaire comprised the address of the farm, number of labourer, their age, educational qualification, wage, working hour, activities, limitations, health and sanitation, other facilities, pressure, access to safety nets programme and so on. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to collect data and cross-check studies were conducted to justify the data. Then the draft was pre-tested in the field and then questionnaire was finalized after necessary correction, modification and adjustments according to feedback from the field. Data were collected through direct interviews with farm owners and laborers. The collection of necessary information for a research study from each and every elements of population became costly and time consuming; a sample of representative aqua-farmers was therefore chosen which represented a reasonably true picture of the population. It provided basic advantages over complete enumeration with respect to costs and time. The farms were selected randomly and a sample size of 79 farms was chosen for the present study. Method of data collection: The data collection procedure is briefly discussed below. Primary sources: Primary information was provided directly by the aqua-farms through direct observation, interviews and discussions. Method of collecting information: To obtain primary data, some techniques were employed such as reconnaissance survey, key informants’ interview, questionnaire survey, participatory rural appraisal (PRA) with focus group discussions, personal observations, case study and study of literature time to time. Key informants’ survey: Key informants for this research were Zilla and Upazila Fisheries Officers. Reconnaissance survey: The questionnaire was pre-tested and refined before use in the field to ensure its suitability for the field survey, to understand the geographical fact, to gather general background information and to decide to go ahead with a certain envisaged activity or not. Questionnaire survey: Both quantitative and qualitative information were gathered through formal interviews with participants. PRA and FGD: PRA tools were designed on the basis of research objectives. Informal discussions with the participant was conducted to learn quick information and to exchange their views between respondents and researcher by using semi-structured interview. For this research PRA tool such as (FGD) was conducted with aqua-farms to get an overview of particular issues. General observation: Physical environment of various aqua-farms were visited and their labourers and their living and working condition were observed. Secondary Sources: Secondary data was collected through literature and publications available from Zilla and Upazila Fisheries Office, quarterly and annual reports. Reports of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics were used to cross- check, complement or illustrate the primary data obtained through the questionnaire survey and group discussion. Supervisor of the study provided necessary scholastic inputs for questionnaire preparation, combination of sub-sectoral analysis and data interpretation. Editing and tabulation of the data: All the data after collection were tabulated in an Excel sheet. The data were collected in local units and later, local units were converted into standard units. Considering the objectives of the study a list of tables was prepared. Processing and analysis of information: All the collected data were abstracted through computer software. Statistical analysis software Microsoft-Excel was used for the calculations like sum, mean, percentage etc.