M R Uddin
Scientific Officer
CRP-Hill Agriculture, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, Dhaka-1205
M G U Miah
Department of Agroforesty and Environment, BSMARU, Gazipur-1706
M S I Afrad
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, BSMARU, Gazipur-1706
H Mehraj
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Ehime 790-8556, Japan
M S H Mandal
Scientific Officer
CRP-Hill Agriculture, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, Dhaka-1205
Socioeconomic, Demographic, Respondents, Resource, Change and wetland ecosystem
Tahirpur Upazila under Sunamganj District, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Socio-economic and Policy
Land management
Scientia Agriculturae, 12 (2) : 78-88 (2015)