M. J. Alam
Principal Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
M. M. Rahman
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agriculture University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
M. A. R. Sarkar
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agriculture University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
M. K. Rahman
Chief Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
A. K. M. R. Islam
Scientific Senior Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
M. A. T. Sohel
Scientific Senior Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
M. J. Uddin
Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
M. K. Habib
Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh
Productivity, Sugarcane, Paired row cane (prc), Intercropping, lentil
Farm of Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI) farm, Ishurdi, pabna
Farming System
Lentil, Mungbean, Sugarcane
The experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI) farm, Ishurdi, pabna during 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 cropping season. The site represents High Ganges River Floodplain under Agro-Ecological Zone 11 with medium high land of typical sandy loam soil. BARIMasur-4, BARIMasur-5, BARIMasur-6, BINAMasur-2 and BINAMasur-3 were used as lentil (Lens culinaris L.) varieties. The experiment was set up in randomized complete block design with three replications. The unit plot size was 8 m × 8 m. The treatments are as follows: T1 - Paired row cane (PRC), T2 - PRC + onion - BINAMung-5 (standard, Control), T3 - PRC + BARIMasur-4 - BINAMung-5, T4 - PRC + BARIMasur-5, BINAMung-5, T5 - PRC + BARIMasur-6 - BINAMung-5, T6 - PRC + BINAMasur-2 - BINAMung-5 and T7 - PRC + BINAMasur-3, BINAMung-5. Sowing/Planting: Forty five days old sugarcane settlings were transplanted on 24 November 2008 in 2008-09 and 16 November 2009 in 2009-10 on well prepared tranches at 60 cm apart paired rows maintaining 45 cm interplant spacing. The intercrops were grown within vacant wide space of 140 cm between two paired rows of cane. In case of paired row sugarcane, seed rate and spacing for onion and mungbean were similar to that of experiment 1. For lentil, seeds were sown 3 rows (30 cm apart) in PRC in line sowing. The seed rates of lentil were 15.0 and 20.0 kg ha-1 for paired row intercrop and sole crop. The first intercrops (onion and lentil varieties) were sown on 24 November 2008 and 16 November 2009 for 2008-09 and 2009-10 seasons, respectively. The second intercrop (BINA Mung 5) was planted on 08 March 2008 and 15 March 2010 in 2008-09 and 2009-10 cropping seasons, respectively. The trenches were made by paired row trenchers at 140 cm distance. Before trenching, the land was prepared thoroughly by disc ploughing and harrowing followed by leveling. Sole crop of all first intercrops were grown in one side of the field and the second intercrop was also grown by sowing then at the same day of their sowing in the main field. Fertilizer application and cultivation practices: For sugarcane and other intercrops, fertilizers were applied following the recommended rates, such as N, P, K, S and Zn were applied in sugarcane @ 150, 50, 90, 34 and 3.5 kg ha-1, respectively while N, P, K, S, Zn and B were applied @ 75, 30, 75, 30, 3 and 0.6 kg ha-1 for onion and @ 10, 12, 8, 3, 0.6 and 0.3 kg ha-1 for lentil. Only N, P and K were applied in mungbean @ 15, 18 and 14 kg ha-1, respectively. Pest management were done by applying pasticides. Irrigation and other management practices were done as when required. Data collection: Yield and yield contributing data were recorded. Intercrops: Yield of first and second intercrops (onion bulb, lentil and mungbean) were measured by the top loading balance on whole plot basis. Harvesting was done when crops are matured. Chemical analysis of cane juice were performed by the method. Sugar yield was determined by multiplying with the recoverable sucrose (%) content with cane yield ha-1. The economics and statistical analysis on different treatments for sugarcane and intercrops were done following the standard procedures.
Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 10(1):1-10, 2015