Chief Scientific Officer & Head, OFRD and Relevant Scientists of OFRD, BARI
Fertilizer dose, Potato-Jute-T.Aman cropping pattern, Yield, Gross margin
Farmer’s fields, Kaderdi village,Boalmari upazilla, Faridpur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The experiment was conducted at selected potato growing farmer’s field in Kaderdi village of Boalmari upazilla, Faridpur under Low Ganges River Flood Plain soil (AEZ-12) during 2013-14 and 2014-15.Before conducting the experiment, soil samples were collected at depth of 0-15 cm for laboratory analysis.The soil was slightly alkaline (pH 7.7 to 8.0) having low organic matter content (0.78%). The content of total N was very low (0.05 %). Exchangeable K, P and S content were high and it were 0.40 meq/100g soil for K, 34.02 µg g-1 for P and 34.40 µg g-1for S . Therefore, the initial fertility status of the soil of P, K and S were in high position in terms of interpretation of soil test values based on critical limits. Thus, in soil test basis fertilizer management, P, K and S were supplied as a blanket doses according to FRG 2012 through TSP, MoP and gypsum, respectively. The farmer’s applied high doses of fertilizer (207-90-238-23-0-0 kg ha-1 N-P-K-S-Zn-B) in their potato crop in Potato-Jute-T.Aman cropping pattern though recommended dose of Tuber Crop Research Centre (TCRC), BARI was very low in potato (160-45-130-20-5-2 kg ha-1 NPKSZnB) crop.The tested crop of potato was BARI Alu-25, (Astrix). There were six treatments viz., T1: STB fertilizer dose (FRG’ 2012), T2: TCRC recommended dose for seed plot technique, T3: Recommended doses of fertilizer based on FRG, 2005 in cropping pattern, T4:50 % of T3 , T5: Farmers’ practices and T6: absolute control. The experiment was laid out in 24 m2 plots in a randomized complete block design replicating six times. Potato tuber was planted on 30th November to 1st December 2013 and 5-6 December, 2014 with a spacing of 60 cm from row to row and 25 cm from plant to plant. Fertilizer’s application procedure was applied as per treatment based on BARC fertilizer recommendation guide 2012 except TCRC dose and farmers practice. N, P, K, S, Zn and B were used in the form of urea, TSP (triple super phosphate), MoP (muriate of potash), gypsum, ZnSO4.H20 (zinc sulphate mono hydrate) and boric acid, respectively. In case of all treatments except TCRC dose and farmers’ practices, all phosphorus, sulphur, zinc, boron, half of nitrogen and potassium were applied after planting of tuber at 10-12 cm distance from potato planting line and mixed with soil. Remaining nitrogen and potassium were applied at the side of the row and covered with soil at 30-35 DAP during earthing up operation (Followed by FRG). For TCRC based treatment, all phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, zinc, boron and half of nitrogen were applied at 10-12 cm distance from potato planting line and mixed with soil and remaining nitrogen was applied at the side of the row and covered with soil at 30-35 DAP. Farmers practice was also same as TCRC based fertilizer application method. Furadan (15 kg ha-1) was applied before final land preparation. Intercultural operations such as irrigation applied 4 times in 2013-14 at 6 to 9 DAP, 23 to 24 DAP, 37 to 41 DAP and 70 to 73 DAP but 3 times applied in 2014-15 at 4 to 12 DAP, 32 to 34 DAP, and 60 to 61 DAP. Earthing up was done two times at planting time and 30 to 35 DAP, weeding (one time at 30 to 31 DAP) and roguing (two times at 29 DAP and 47 to 50 DAP) for controlling of viral infection. Insecticide application with Asataf and Admire for thrips and aphid control (one time each insecticide) was done and five times fungicides with Indofil for late blight control were sprayed at 29 to 30 DAP and continued for 10 days interval. Haulm pooling was done at 89 to 93 DAP in 2013-14 and 81-82 DAP in 2014-15. Harvesting was done at 95 to 101 DAP in 2013-14 and 90-91 DAP in 2014-15. Ten plants from each plot were tagged at random to take records on different agronomic parameters of potato. Data on yield and yield contributing characters were recorded and statistically analyzed with the help of statistical package MSTAT-C and mean separation was tested by LSD.
Annual Research Report 2014-2015, On- Farm Research Division, BARI, Gazipur