M.K.B. Uddin
Department of Agricultural Science, Chowara Adarsha Degree College, South Sadar, Comilla
S. Naznin
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research Center, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh
M.A. Kawochar
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research Center, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh
R.U. Choudhury
Principal Scientific Officer
Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701
M.A. Awal
Department of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Morphophysiological characters, Intercropping, Wheat, Peanut
Field Laboratory of the Department of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Farming System
Cropping pattern
The experiment was conducted at the Field Laboratory of the Department of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 2007-08. The experiment comprised four treatments such as sole wheat (SW), sole peanut (SP), single row intercropping (one row of wheat followed by one row of peanut (1W:1P), and double row intercropping (one row of wheat followed by two row of peanut; 1W:2P). Line to line distance was 20 cm for SW and SP. In 1W:1P, line to line distance of wheat was also 20 cm where companion peanut plants were grown in between the wheat lines. Thus, the distance between wheat-wheat and that of peanut-peanut lines was 20 cm. In 1W:2P, single row of wheat and double rows of peanut were grown alternatively where wheat wheat distance was 40 cm and that of two peanut rows maintaining equal distance (i.e., 13.33 cm) were grown in between the 40 cm. For all the treatments, plant to plant distance was 10 cm for wheat and 20 cm for peanut. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The size of each unit plot was 5 m× 4 m. The fertilizers urea, triple super phosphate (TSP) and muriate of potash (MOP) were applied in the plots corresponding to 180, 120 and 80 kg/ha,respectively. At the time of final land preparation the total amount of TSP, MOP and half amount of urea were applied. Rest of the urea was applied in two equal splits at 25 and 45 days after sowing (DAS). The seeds were sown on 30 November. The first sampling for recording data on different and growth parameters was started at 30 DAS and continued at an interval of 14 days till maturity of wheat on 100 DAS or peanut on 150 DAS.
At each harvest, five plants of each crop were selected randomly from each sole wheat or peanut and intercropped plots. The selected plants were uprooted carefully by a "khurpi" in order to ensure maximum root to be retained. The height of the plants was recorded with a graduated scale placed vertically from ground level to the top of the shoot. Number of tillers hill-1, number of spikes hill-1 and number of leaves culm-1 were recorded separately at each harvest. All the branches on the main stem in each harvested plant were counted. All the secondary branches i.e., branches other than the main stem in each harvested plant were counted. Number of leaves in main stem were separated carefully and counted for every harvested plant. Total number of leaves plant-1 was separated and counted. The harvested plants were separated into roots, stems, leaves and spike or pod. The plant parts were oven dried at 80°C till constant weight and their corresponding dry weights were recorded separately. Total dry weight was calculated by adding root, stem, leaves and spike or pod dry weights. Finally, all dry weight/plant were converted to land area basis as gm-2 or t ha-1 whenever necessary. Leaf area was measured with an Electronic Area Meter (LI 3000, USA). They were oven dried at 80°C until to constant weight. Rest of the leaves from each sample was oven dried without measuring their leaf area.
The total leaf areas of the plants from a replication of a treatment were calculated by comparing the leaf dry weight as follows:
Total leaf area = LA/DW×TDW, where LA=Leaf area of representative leaf sample, DW = Dry weight of the representative sample leaves and TDW= Total dry weight of leaves from a plot
Leaf area index (LAI) = Total leaf area/ Land area covered by the plants
Seed weight per wheat or peanut plant was recorded by harvesting representative plants from each unit plots at maturity. The collected data were statistically analyzed using the computer software program MSTAT-C. The mean differences were evaluated by LSD test at 5% level of significance.
J. Expt. Biosci. 5(2):49-56, (2014)