The experiment was conducted collaboratively in the laboratory of "Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries "Bangladesh agricultural University, Mymensingh and in the laboratory of "Department of Microbiology and hygiene" Bangladesh agricultural University, Mymensingh. Xanthan, pectin (high-methyl pectin), high fructose com syrup (HFCS), Sodium citrate (tri-sodium citrate), potassium citrate were supplied by Pran-Rfl Group. Bangladesh. Carrageenan and food grade sucrose, Lychee flavor was supplied by Prof. Dr. M. Burhan Uddin, Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, BAD. Phenolphthalein indicator, methylene blue indicator, 45% neutral lead acetate solution, 22% potassium oxalate solution, 0.1N NaOH, citric acid, Potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, malic acid supplied by Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, BAD. About O.O.02g kg-1 of the strawberry flavor mix was added to all the gels.Gels were prepared by mixing the gelling agent, citrate with cold water and then, dissolving it at 80°C in a water bath. This was combined with the sucrose/glucose syrup, which had previously been heated in a water bath until all the sucrose was dissolved. The mixture was maintained at 80°C for 15 min and constant stirring occurred throughout to ensure complete dissolution of solutes. At this stage citric acid and benzoate was added and heating continued at 80°C for a further 2 min. Finally, the flavor mixture was introduced and stirring continued for 1 min to ensure equal distribution of the volatile compounds. The mixture was then filled in the can and the fruit particle was added at this stage. The can (plastic container) was immediately sealed and allowed to cool to water at ambient temperature. Pectin gel was prepared in a similar manner, except that 5 g of the sucrose was mixed with the pectin and sodium citrate before being dissolved in water. Also, a temperature of 85°C was achieved while preparing the pectin gels and this temperature was maintained until the final stage, when the solution was cooled to ambient temperature before the flavor mixture was added.The physical and physico-chemical properties and chemical and biochemical composition was analyzed and the parameters assessed were moisture, pH, total soluble solids, acidity, sugar. Moisture was determined by AOAC, pH was determined by Covenin, sugar was determined. For microbial assessment Total Viable Count (TVC) and yeast and mold count were determined by the method described APHA. A panel of 10 assessors participated in this study. A preliminary training session was held during which the panel developed common vocabulary to evaluate the sensory characteristics of the gels and agreed upon assessing four attributes flavor (evaluated by smelling), taste, color (all evaluated during consumption) and overall acceptability by a scoring rate on a 9 point hedonic scale. Hedonic scale used 9=like extremely, 8=Like very much, 7=Like moderately, 6= Like slighty, 5=N either like nor dislike, 4=Dislike slighty, 3=Dislike moderately, 2=Dislike very much and 1 =Dislike extremely. The preference differences were evaluated by statistical analysis of the data for variance and consequently Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The gel was processed, packaged and stored for 5 months. The changes of pH, TSS, moisture, acidity, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and total sugar were observed at an interval of 30 days under room temperature (25-30°C) during the storage period.