Field Experimental field and site: A field experiment was carried out at Bangladesh institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh during the period from November 2013 to march 2014. The experimental site was conducted on a medium high, and loamy textural having pH 6.8 and the site belonging to non calcareous dark grey flood plain soil under Old Brahmaputra Floodplain (AEZ-9).
Test Crop: Sotabdi was developed by BARI and released in 2000. This variety attains a height of 90-
100 cm and it takes 105-112 days to complete life cycle. It takes 69 days to heading and the yield was 3.6-5.0 t/ha. Kanchan was developed by BARI and released in 1983. This variety attains a height of 90- 100 cm and it takes 60-68 days to Heading. It takes 106-112 days to complete its life cycle and in susceptible to leaf rust disease. The yield was 3.5- 4.0t/ha. BAW is a semi dwarf variety. This variety attains a height of 95- 105 cm. Number of tiller per hill is 5-7. Leaves are in green in colour. Flag leaf erect and flat. The yield was 3.5- 4.5t /ha.
Climate: Details of the climatic data during the study period have been recorded.
Treatments: The experiment consists of the following treatments:
A: Methods: 2
I . Foliar spray application of Nitrogen (T1)
II. Soil application of Nitrogen (T2)
B. Variety-3
I . Sotabdi coaded as V1
II. Kanchan coaded as V2
III. RAW 56 coaded as V3
Experimental design: The experiment was laid out in 2 factorial RCBD design with five replication. Total number of pot was 30. The area of the pot size was 0.030 m2
Seed sowing: Seeds were sown on 17 November, 2013 and 8 seeds were sown in each pot.
Harvesting: The crop was harvested at full maturity on 1 march 2014
Data collection: The data were collected on the following parameters- Plant height per plant, Total no. of tillers per plant, Effective tiller per plant, Root dry weight per plant, Grains per Panicle, No. of sterile spiklets per panicle, 1000-grain weight, Grain weight per plant, Straw weight per plant, Biological yield per plant and Harvest index.
Statistical analysis: Data were analyzed statistically using analyzed with computer package programme MSTAT and the mean differences were adjudged by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (Gomez and Gomez, 1984) and ranking was indicated by letters.