S. Khandoker
Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. A. Monayem Miah
Principal Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. A. Rashid
Principal Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. Khatun
Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. Z. A. Talukder
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Breeding Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur.
Consequence, Drought, Maize, Net return, Adaptation strategy
Rajshahi, Chuadanga, Rangpur and Comilla
Crop-Soil-Water Management
Sampling Procedure and Sample Size
Purposive sampling and multistage stratified random sampling technique were followed to collect sample farmers for this study. The study was conducted in four districts of Bangladesh. At first stage, two production environments namely drought prone and normal environment were purposively selected in consultation with the scientists of Plant Breeding Division of BARI. In order to capture two production environments, two districts under each environment were selected in this study. Rajshahi and Chuadanga were selected as drought prone areas, whereas Rangpur and Comilla were selected as favorable areas. Then one upazila from each four districts and two blocks from each upazila were purposively selected in consultation with DAE personnel and maize scientists. Godagari upazila from Rajshahi district, Sadar upazila from Chuadanga, Daudkandi from Comilla and Mithapukur upazila from Rangpur district were selected for administering questionnaire survey. Finally, a total of 200 farmers taking 50 from each district were randomly selected for the study.
Data Collection
The study was mainly based on primary data collected through face to face interview during the month of January to April 2016. Field investigators under the direct supervision of the researcher collected field level cross-sectional data using pre-tested interview schedule. Necessary information regarding this study was collected based on input costs, price, yields etc.
Analytical Techniques
Collected data were edited, summarized, tabulated and analyzed to fulfill the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics using different statistical tools like averages, percentages and ratios were used in presenting the results of the study. The profitability of maize production was examined on the basis of gross return, gross margin and benefit cost ratio analysis. Besides, the opportunity cost of family supplied labour was taken into consideration in estimating total cost. Land use cost was calculated on the basis of per year lease value of land.Semi- logarithmic regression model with dummy variable was used. A z- test for the two sample mean with known variance was conducted to test the mean difference between two groups of farmers i.e. drought prone and normal environment.
Functional analysis Production variability analysis
Semi-logarithmic regression model with dummy variable was used to estimate production variability of maize between drought prone and normal environment. In this regression model, production was considered as the dependent variable and the drought considered as independent variable. Production of maize varied extremely due to drought. To estimate the production variability of maize the following semi-logarithmic regression model was employed:
lnY = β0 + β1D1 + U
Where, ln = Natural logarithm;
Y = Output of maize (kg/ha);
D1 = Dummy for drought (1 = drought; 0 = otherwise); β1 = Slope coefficient of dummy for drought;
U = Random error term.
Technology Used in Maize Cultivation
Land preparation:Land preparation for maize production included ploughing, laddering and other activities needed to make the soil suitable for sowing seeds (Karim et al., 2010). The number of ploughing varies from location to locations (Table 2). In the study areas cent percent farmers used Power tiller for land preparation which is mostly done on hire basis. Majority of farmers (35%) of drought prone areas ploughed their maize plot four times whereas in normal areas highest percentage of farmers (40%) ploughed two times. Variety used by maize farmers: A total of 13 hybrid maize varieties were found in the study areas (Table 3). Among the varieties, Elite was the highly adopted variety (30%) in drought prone areas. On the other hand, innormal areas NK-40 was the mostly adopted varieties (53%). In normal areas the second and third positions were secured by Miracle (26%)and Pioneer-3396 (12%). Responded farmers of Comilla district cultivated NK-40 and Miracle. Farmers of drought prone areas cultivated more varieties. Farmers in this areas also cultivated, Nk- 40,981 and Super-999, CP-383 etc. BARI has developed some improved maize varieties, but these varieties could not found in the study areas. The main reason for non-adoption of BARI varieties might be the non-availability of seeds. The extent of using maize variety depends on the availability of seed at local level.
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(2): 219-234, June 2018 ISSN 0258-7122 (Print), 2408-8293 (Online)