Study area and duration: The present study was conducted at Bagmara upazilla Veterinary hospital under the district of Rajshahi in Bangladesh. The study was conducted from 20th September, 2015 to 14th November, 2015. Sample and sample size:The study was conducted on naturally PPR suspected goat brought to the veterinary hospital during the study period. A total number of 72 diseases cases were recorded during the study period. Samples were selected randomly irrespective of age, sex and breed over the study period. During the study period different aged goats are consider. Both Black Bengal and Jamunapari goat were grouped into 4 different age groups. Such as, up to 6 month, 7-12 month, 13-19 month, above 19 month of age goat were categorized as group I, II, III and group IV, respectively. Data collection: The data were directly collected from the owner. Data were based on , Client/owners complains, anamnesis of patient (goat), clinical history, physical examination data (Inspection, Temperature, auscultation, respiration) and clinical sign of suspected goats. History of the cases were taken carefully from the owner based the following aspect (Age, Sex, Breed, Vaccination-yes/no, duration of rearing, housing, previous disease history etc). Recording of signs and symptoms: Close inspection: Different exposed signs and symptoms were recorded carefully by close infection- Erosion of oral mucosa, respiratory distress, discharges from eyes, nose, mouth, rough coat, soiled hind quarter. Temperature: Temperatures were recorded by indirect palpation per rectum by thermometer of every case and tabulate. Indirect auscultation: Indirect auscultation was performed to hear the lung and tracheal sound to coincide with the symptoms of pneumonia. Skin fold test: Skin fold test were performed to take the rough estimation of the degree of dehydration. Diagnosis: Among all diseased cases of goat brought to the veterinary hospitals for treatment, presumptive diagnosis of PPR in goat were made on the basis of owners complains, clinical history, clinical signs. Data analysis: The raw data were collected from owners complain, clinical history and clinical signs and recorded into a previously formed data record sheet. Positivity and prevalence rate were calculated by using MS excel programme. X2 test and P value were calculated by the help of SSS (online) software. A descriptive analysis was performed to interpret the data.