Pangasius sutchi, Growth promoter, Aquaboost, Megavit
The study was carried out in aquariums of Fisheries Technology Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus, Mymensingh. Two aqua drugs; Aquaboost and Megavit were used as growth promoter and its effect on the growth performance of pangas. The total duration of the experiment continued for 28 days in aquarium conditions. The details of the experimental conditions are given below: Megavit and Aquaboost, both chemicals produced by Novartis were used to evaluate the effective doses for the growth performance of pangas (Pangasius sutchi).Six treatments with three replicates were used in aquarium condition. Ten fingerlings (9.35g average body weight) were stocked and fed at 10% body weight two times daily in each aquarium. Total water holding capacity of individual aquarium was 50 litres. All the aquaria were covered by a bamboo made net and aeration was provided with aerator. Water quality parameters such as pH, Temperature, alkalinity, hardness, NO3, ammonia and DO were examined properly. Pelleted feed containing either Aquaboost or Megavit were prepared with rice husks (58.33%), maize flour (6.67%), mustard oilcake (15%), meat bone (15%) and dry fish meal (5%). These feeds were divided into six groups: (i) control (feed was prepared without Aquaboost or Megavit), (ii) 0.66g/kg of feed (less than recommended dose) (iii) 1g/kg feed (recommended dose) (iv) 1.33g/kg (more than recommended dose), (v) 1.40g/kg (more than recommended dose) and (vi) 1.50g/kg (more than recommended dose), respectively. Feeds were dried and stored in refrigerated temperature 40C. Feeds were prepared in Tora agro farm located Dhanikola of Trisal upazilla, Mymensingh. The proximate composition of applied feed was determined according to standard procedure. Proximate composition such as Moisture, Ash, Crude Protein, Crude Lipid and Crude Fibre of prepared feed was determined according to the standard methods given in AOAC (1980). The specific growth rate (SGR) was determined by using following formula: SGR (% day) = [log W2- log W1] /T2- T1. Here, W2= Mean final weight (g), W1 = Mean initial weight (g), T2 = Time at end of the experiment, T1 = Time at initial of the experiment. The data obtained in the experiment were analyzed by using ANOVA. The mean values compared using Duncan's Multiple Ranged Test (DMRT) to identify the level of significance of variance among the treatments as post-hoc test using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science, version 11.5) statistical software (SPSS mc; Chicago. USA). Significant differences were determined among treatments at the 5 % level (P < 0.05).