Md. Ariful Islam
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
Mohammad Bashir Ahmed
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
Md. Matiul Islam
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
Participation, Rural women, Homestead vegetable cultivation
At three selected villages of Nehalpur and Jhanpa union of Monirampur upazila under Jessore district
Socio-economic and Policy
Gender issue
The study was conducted at three selected villages of Nehalpur and Jhanpa union of Monirampur upazila under Jessore district. The selected villages were Nehalpur, Panchakori and Jhanpa. The rural women of the study area who were participating in homestead vegetable cultivation were treated as population of this study. A list of rural women participating in homestead vegetable cultivation was prepared with the help of Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer(s) (SAAOs) of the concerned union. The total number of participating rural women of these three villages was 300. The researchers selected 20 percent of the population as the sample of the selected three villages; and randomly selected 60 rural women taking 20 from each of the villages. Thus, the sample size stood 60. Reviewing related studies, the researcher considered 11- characteristics of the rural women as independent variables. The selected characteristics were age, level of education, family size, farm size, annual family income, cosmopoliteness, extension contact, agricultural training, organizational participation, attitude towards homestead vegetable cultivation and knowledge about homestead vegetable cultivation. On the other hand, the participation of rural women in homestead vegetable cultivation was treated as dependent variable. In this study selected 11-characteristics were of personal (age, level of education and family size), economic (farm size and annual family income), social (cosmopolite ness, extension contact, agricultural training and organizational participation) and psychological (attitude towards and knowledge about homestead vegetable cultivation) types. Six important broad aspects (seedbed preparation, land preparation, transplanting of seedling, intercultural operations, irrigation & water management, and harvesting & post harvest activities) of homestead vegetable cultivation were included to measure participation of rural women. A number of 26 relevant issues were also included under the six broad aspects of homestead vegetable cultivation. A four-point rating scale viz. regularly, occasionally, rarely and not at-all was employed against each of the 26 statements of relevant issues to determine the extent of participation of rural women. A score of 3, 2, 1 and 0 was assigned against the rating scale, respectively. Each of the respondents was asked to indicate her extent of participation by putting a tick mark in the appropriate position against each of the statement. Participation extent was determined by summing up all the scores obtained by the respondent against all the 26-issues. Thus, the participation extent score of individual respondent could range from 0 (=0×26) to 78 (=3×26). The categorization was done as follows: No participation (0), Low participation (1–26), Medium participation (27–52) and High participation (53–78).To compare the level of participation in six major aspects as well as 26 issues participation score (PS) and participation index (PI) for each of the six major aspects and 26 issues were calculated by using the following formula: Participation Score= Nre× 3 + Noc×2 + Nra× 1+ Nna × 0 Where, Nre= No. of the respondent participated regularly Noc= No. of the respondent participated occasionally, Nra= No. of the respondent participated rarely, Nna= No. of the respondent not at all participated. As there were 60 respondents, so participation score could range from 0 (=0×60) to 180 (=3×60), where 0 means no participation and 180 means regular participation. Data were collected personally by the researchers through face to face interview. To familiarize with the study area and for getting local support, the researchers took help from the local leaders and the field staffs of upazila Agriculture Office. Statistical measures such as number, percentage, range, rank order, etc., mean and standard deviation (SD) were used in describing the independent and dependent variables of the study. Correlations analysis was used to determine the relationship between any two variables. Data were analyzed by using software named Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and MS Excel.
J Bangladesh Agril Univ 16(1): 17–22, 2018