N. Akter*
Genetic Resources and Seed Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
M. Khalequzzaman
Genetic Resources and Seed Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
M.Z. Islam
Genetic Resources and Seed Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
M.A.A. Mamun
Agricultural Statistics Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
M.A.Z. Chowdhury
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Correlation, Variability, Genetic advance, Heritability, Path coefficients, Rice, Yield, Yield components.
At the experimental field of BRRI, Gazipur
Variety and Species
SAARC J. Agri., 16(1): 193-203 (2018)